???? pt 2

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 The whole world is dead. The surroundings once its beautiful become ugly. The boy felt nothing. The first feeling that he felt was confusion, not confused about why the world is dead, but what should he do now. He doesn't felt any sadness, even happy. He questioned himself. "Now what ?". "Was "that" all just a dream ? ". 
 The boy walked in the dead city. There was nothing except dust and ruined building. He still could hear an echo voice of crowded people. The sound of crowded people doing their own. The sound of "Human". But now, is just a distant memory. The Boy's eyes gaze into the sky with empty eyes. Even there isn't the sound of Bird's chirping. All he heard was..crack of a stone, & dust. It's already evening. The Sun is so clear. He sat at the edge of a rooftop of some building. He gaze to the bottom of building, sure it is very tall from here. It's going to be a long "journey" if you jump off. He cant think of anything. It's very empty until "something" was calling for him.

" As i said, i've returned all of it to you. "

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