EPISODE 22: Suspects, Rules And Requels PART TWO

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Ambulances have arrived and paramedics have picked up Tammie and Garret placing them on the stretcher rushing them to the hospital.

Neal and Kent both stand next to each other and look at each other both sympathetic towards each other.


We see Neal sitting in a room but we can see who he is talking to.

NEAL-(v.o) My name is William Neal Carter...everyone calls me Neal don't worry you'll get use to it. I attend Lynview High School and grew up here my whole life. My life has always been predictable up until last year....when I met Kent Davis.

Neal and Kent jump alongside them Neal has a panic look on his face. Kent puts his arm around him.

NEAL-(v.o) that's my older brother. It's crazy because I never even knew I had a brother and then when we found each other it didn't take long for him to feel like my brother we just clicked. He's the best brother to have....like right now I can tell he's feeling a lot of things right now but he won't show it just because he wants to make sure I'm okay. K didn't get a lot of love growing up but he still gives it to me so easily.


Neal and Kent jump inside Neal has a panic look on his face. Kent puts his arm around him.

Deandre Kyle Morgan Tavon Taylor and Zhuri watch them drive off.  Landy rushes over to Tavon and she hugs him.

TAVON- Ma. I didn't even see you.

LANDY- you're okay right?

TAVON- Yeah I'm fine....I know we're supposed to leave right after the wedding but-

LANDY- you go check on Neal. I'll go back home pack some things and I'll call you.

Tavon nods.

TAVON- Z actually you think you could take me to grab my car from Paul's shop.

ZHURI- Yeah.

DEANDRE- Paul? You still talk to him?

TAVON- Yeah why?

TAYLOR- I have to take Kyle home...I'll meet y'all at the hospital.

MORGAN- I'll drive you.

TAYLOR- I'm fine I got it.

MORGAN- T you're literally shaking.

Taylor looks at her trying not to break.

TAYLOR-I thought it was gonna happen again.

Morgan hugs her.

MORGAN- it's okay. It's okay. You're okay.

TAVON- nothing is gonna happen to you or any of us but we need to move from right here.

KYLE- I'm not going home....I'm coming too.

TAYLOR- Kyle no I don't even know what's going on right now do you realize what could happen to you?

KYLE- and look what could happen to you?! I'm coming with you. Period.

TAYLOR- okay let's just go.

They all give each other hugs and to their separate ways.

DEANDRE- Landy can I talk to you for a second?

LANDY- right now?

DEANDRE- Yeah right now....Tavon still hanging out with Paul?

LANDY- it's out of my control...but I'm handling it.

DEANDRE- it's not out of your control....if you told him the truth-

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