EPISODE 21: Suspects, Rules And Requels

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COP VOICE OVER ON RADIO-(V.O) So far we have found two shot. One male one female.

We see Neal on the hospital floor crying.

We see Kent storming out of the hospital blood on tux.

KENT- I'm fucking sick of this shit!

We see Zhuri in her room crying.

ZHURI- just when is it going to end? Why does stuff like this keep happening to us?

ZHURI- just when is it going to end? Why does stuff like this keep happening to us?

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Garret has just finished working out. Tammie enters.

TAMMIE- it's our wedding day and  you're working out?

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TAMMIE- it's our wedding day and you're working out?

GARRET- you know it's my routine. I'm sorry.

TAMMIE- and yet I thought I was your routine.

Garrett smiles and then walks over to kiss her.

TAMMIE- ew watch your sweat now.

GARRET- you're about to marry me in a few...for better or for worse.

TAMMIE- yeah but I didn't sign up for sweat.

GARRET- well it's in my vows.

Tammie laughs.

TAMMIE- so really tell me what you're thinking about?

GARRET- Kent....he said something to me the other day....he said all the reasons he hates me has nothing to do with basketball.

TAMMIE-Garret we have both been trying....he'll come around eventually-

GARRET- No we failed him Tammie. He never even had a chance and I was tired to him....dealing with my bullshit and now the person that he is today thanks to Neal and Taylor he'll even Dre.

Tammie rolls her eyes.

GARRET- I'm not going to know that person.

TAMMIE-Kent will come around....and look at us now we get to start over with a new baby.

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