Chapter 65: Another Damn Ball

Start from the beginning

"If it makes you feel any better, I also would rather be anywhere else but here."

"Right," he countered in disbelief, giving me a passive glance before leading off to the stairwell at the end of the hall behind a pair of double doors. Two of the wait staff gave us stiff nods as we neared and opened the doors simultaneously in time for us to pass. I grabbed the side of my dress while holding tightly to Blaise's arm as we moved up to the second level where other couples stood in huddles behind a pair of double doors that no doubt held the ball room in question.

"Do I need to tell you what to do when we are paraded out for my introduction?" I asked his way after a beat. I would have thought he was ignoring me if it wasn't for the slight nod of the head as I stared at him unapologetically.

"That's better than my last date at least," I muttered more to myself as I looked away to catch sight at the other girls' dresses. None had the characteristic fabric of Leontine's dresses at least. But there was no doubt that this was the fashion capitol. My dress barely made a passing statement against some of the dresses I caught sight of.

When I looked back ahead of me, I caught Blaise staring.


"You've done this before." It wasn't a question.


A flicker of absolute bafflement followed by cold dissonance appeared on my escorts face before he had a moment to add, "This is a waste of time then. Why am I here? Why are you here?"

"I'm pretty sure that's the most I've heard you speak in some time, Blaise," I commented without hiding the humor in my eyes. "Trust me, you're not the only one following mother's orders." His eyes found mine just long enough to see my own resentment before glancing ahead of us at the moving couples getting in line.

"Let's just get through this night and then we never have to speak about it again," I continued as he led me forward toward the others. "You don't recognize anyone here do you? Because I don't."

Being taller than me by more than a few inches, I watched as Blaise did a sweep through the room before shaking his head slowly. I released a steady breath and had a sense Blaise did the same.

At least in that regard we could agree.

We were near the front of the line this time around so I only had to bare Blaise's stony silence for a ten minute span before we stepped up, ready to go.

As the older witch motioned us to go ahead, the entire crowd turned our way that made whatever calmness I had dissipate in a moment making me release a string of curses under my breath as Blaise took my arm.

And he chuckled.

I shot a glance toward my escort fast enough to see a spark of humor lace his cold eyes before I turned front again.

"Presenting Mademoiselle Ave Elise Fountaine, escorted by Monsieur Blaise Zabini."

We made it to the front and Blaise turned me round with ease before letting go of my hand for me to bow. The applause felt louder this time. As if an extension charm had been placed on the sound. As I rose my head to look out, I could not see my mother's face, nor my Grand'mère's. Instead I saw a witch who stood out for her ostentatious attire in the midst of the crowd and knew immediately that it was Blaise's mother.

Most likely on the hunt again.

Blaise walked me off the platform without another word and there we stood until trouble arrived.

I should have learned from my last ball that when it comes to making an entrance, the best entrances are made at the end of the lineup.

No truer statement could be shown when I caught sight of a small little thing of a girl step up with her date to end the introductions.

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