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James rolls over, groaning a little as he stirs awake. Despite his lack of drinking the night prior, he still feels woeful. His phone is ringing and he is almost angry at the device for being the reason that he is awake right now.

The ringing halts just as he grabs his phone, and then his glasses that sit perched on his bedside table. James opens his phone to see seven miscalls from Remus, five from Peter, an alarming thirteen from Sirius, two from his management and nine from his mother.

Bewildered, James swallows, unsure of who to even call back first. Until Sirius calls for the fourteenth time.

Cautiously, James brings his phone up to his ear. "Hello? Did somebody die?" He asks, his voice echoing with a nervous chuckle. "Please tell me nobody's died, and everyone just wanted to ring to chat with me,"

"James," Sirius breathes.

"Padfoot, good morning, what's...what's going on?"

"James, I need you to listen to me," James can hear Sirius swallow. "I...I don't know how to say this, and I...I know you're going to freak out, but I-" He cuts himself off, swearing. "I don't know how this happened, but your pregnancy...fuck, it's all over Twitter right now. Some article leaked it. Which is nuts, right? Nobody outside of our friend group knew about it-"

James sits up, all of the air leaving his lungs. "What?" He utters; voice hoarse from both sleep and shock. "What do you mean some article leaked it? I...I don't understand, send...send me the article,"

"Okay, okay," Sirius' voice is rushed. "Just...just stay on the phone with me, don't...don't panic yourself,"

James nods, putting Sirius on speaker. "Just...please send it to me. I can take it," He breathes out.

A new message from Sirius pops up on his screen and James clicks on it at the speed of light.  There is a headline. In a bold font.


If James weren't so frazzled and shocked, he might even judge the sheer mundaneness of it. And then he reads the words that follow it.


Peter Pettigrew. Drummer.

Remus Lupin. Guitarist.

James Potter. Bassist. Parent.

Sirius Black. Singer. Uncle?

As sudden news breaks of potential parenthood for Potter, apparently new romance is also in bloom!

Spotted last night, a tall stranger with dark hair was seen leaving Potter's London apartment late at night, in a black Ford Thunderbird. Reports claim that Potter has been seeing none other than the younger brother of his band mate; Regulus Black, widely credited for his writing under the pseudonym R.A Black.

James feels his throat close up a little as his eyes skim through the article. He had wanted to announce his pregnancy on his own terms; when he was comfortable with it, when he had gotten over all of his unfamiliar feelings surrounding his pregnancy, when he had grown used to sharing his body with his child.

Tears of frustration sting at his eyes. James pinches the bridge of his nose as he tries to squeeze those tears back in, trying to prevent them falling down his face.

R. A. Black.

They had even revealed his child's father.

James hadn't even had time to grow accustomed to the idea of pregnancy and Regulus, and he had wanted to share his pregnancy when he felt more secure in those aspects.

ROCKSTAR ⇒ jegulus Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang