Timothy: No

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I could've gotten her. She was right fucking there. I missed it. I was dead and done. It was over. But I should be relieved! The years of hell have all come to an end! Finally!

No. That girl deserved to die, and I was going to be the one to kill her.

That blonde asshole too. He was nothing but in the way.

I saw her limp into the forest aimlessly. Adrenaline kicked in as much as the pain did. I followed her into the dark, but I soon lost her again. I stomped in the wet mud and cursed at the sky.

A shadow moved in the dark, rattling a bush. I grabbed my gun and held it up in the general direction.

"Come out, wherever you are," I teased. "You're dead meat, December. I'll make sure."

The shadow reappeared but did not move. Moonlight painted a face against the night that was far from hers. It was covered in blood and a weird dark splatter, gaunt and haunting, beautiful and horrifying.

My skin crawled. I managed to step back a few times without stumbling.

The tendrils, the stance, the twitches.

No, fuck no.

It was like another Him.

DECEMBER JANEWhere stories live. Discover now