Found Her First

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Jude Buck had been in law enforcement for about ten years. He knew Kenningcross better than anything. The last time he visited this church in particular, he was finding a witness to a case for a woman named Delilah. She experienced intense psychosis preceding the discovery of an abandoned child, and soon committed suicide in her home.

But he remembers that call. He remembers that scene. Her condition showed anything but suicide. The suicide claim made so much sense, but not too many people rip their eyes out before they kill themselves. And her voice on the phone left a sinking feeling with him. There was something else, but he couldn't understand what, and he could never prove that, anyhow.

Today's call was after a young woman was said to have held an employee at gunpoint and committed the theft of four boxes of illegal fireworks. The boy attempted to deny the incident, but the footage was later found, and he was apprehended shortly after. Jude was on search duty for the girl, and he decided to check the church for any matching suspects. However, he always looked for an excuse to stop by Keystone. He loved to sit in and listen to Sean preach.

He parked his car in the church lot and left his vehicle. There were two other men also entering the church, both around as old as he was. When his door shut, the two of them turned around and stared at him. Jude gave them a friendly nod. "Good evening, gentlemen," he said cordially.

They turned completely to face him. Jude slowed his footsteps. It occurred to him that something was off.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah, actually," one of them said. He walked up to Jude, who then realized both of them were wearing masks. The one that spoke to him was in a white one; the other mask was black. "Have you seen a girl named 'December' recently?" the white mask asked.

Jude shook his head. "No clue, sir. Is this a missing persons case?"

The white mask titled his head. "Girl with severe scarring? Along the right side?"

"Oh-- actually, yes I have. I was just now--"

"Perfect." The white mask ushered the other over before jogging over toward the church.

Before Jude could even prepare, he looked back down to find a gun pressed right against his forehead.

DECEMBER JANETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon