Before you read / Additional information / Content warnings and cast

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Hello! My name is December (I came up with the character name before I decided to adopt it as my artist name, haha) and I'm your local gifted kid author. Some of you may be familiar with my current WIP fic, Special Case, which has been on hiatus for at least a year. This fic is the reason the Special Case has not been updated. Please be patient as I can now work on that one after completing this project (this fic was a critical project to me, which is why I postponed SC to work on this).

Some content warnings before you continue (at your own discretion):

Frequent profanity

Violence, gore, and other visually disturbing scenes

Mentions and scenes involving suicide

Themes of terrorism (?)

(Brief) mentions of sexual assault and abuse

Drug use

Mentions of psychosis and other detrimental mental ailments/symptoms of ailments

Other additional content I did not catch (if it's an issue, let me know via DM)

Now, on a lighter note, here is a list of the non-original main cast featured/mentioned in this fic:


The Rake

The Proxies (Including Masky, Ticci Toby, Hoodie, and Kate the Chaser)

Dr. Smiley

Nurse Ann

X-Virus (important and mentioned, does not appear)

Jeff the Killer (briefly mentioned, does not appear)

Original character main cast, ones of actual Creepypasta material are marked with a * (concept art has its own chapter!):

December Jane *

Elladonna *

James O'Brien *


Sean O'Brien


Other characters not otherwise noted nor are canon to the Slenderverse

That is all the information I believe you will need to enjoy this book. Happy reading!

- DJ (the author, lol)

DECEMBER JANEWhere stories live. Discover now