James: Note

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Something was peculiar with that girl December. It wasn't the scars. It wasn't the accent. Something about her perception, her language with reality, was different. Psychosis would be anybody's guess, but it surely wasn't mine.

That day after church, I walked outside into the trees to catch some fresh air and peace with the sounds of nature. I stood under the gentle sunshine and took in a deep breath to cleanse my lungs. The smell of earth and dew soothed my chest.

But with the wind, I heard the sound of a thousand quiet voices echoing against the trees. I opened my eyes and glanced around me. Nobody was around, and there was no one in the parking lot. However, something on a nearby tree caught my eye. It was a tattered flier, a notebook page, with a poorly scribbled message on it. There were even doodles on it that I had to walk closer to see. Once I was face-to-face with it, the tiny voices grew loud, so loud that I could no longer hear the breeze.

The message was in charcoal: Sick.

I frowned and removed the flier from the bark. Flipping the page in my hands, I found that there wasn't much to add to the strange riddle that it was. The whispers did stop, however, and I was once again left with the peace of the nature sounds around me.

I scanned the woods around me, seeing if someone had pinned this here as a twisted prank of the current generation. But alas, there was no one, and I was left with myself and the strange note.

I stuffed it into my pocket, possibly to forget about it at some future time. The joke, if it was one, wasn't funny to me.

I was sick, twisted, and ill, but it was beyond divine control.

DECEMBER JANEWhere stories live. Discover now