December: Build-a-Bomb

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On the way home, when I was on the old paved road, I heard bloody screaming for help. I quickened the pace and looked around, maybe to find a dying girl somewhere in the distance or a kidnapping that I would turn a blind eye to.

But, more horrifically, I saw Ann running from the direction of the Hospital. She was the source of the screaming. I ran towards her, and the closer I got, the more clear the picture grew. Her arms were filled with crumbled papers and scrap parts-- all things that probably came from my room.

"Ann?! What's going on?!"

She caught up with me and skidded to a stop, hyperventilating and weeping. "Smiley's dead," she said. "Smiley's gone. He's been stabbed."

"What?!" I felt my heart drop. "By who?!"

"It doesn't matter," she said quickly. "Take these. We need to leave."


She shook her head. "I don't know."

I grabbed the belongings she cradled and tried my best to shove them into my bag. "I know a place," I said. "What?" Ann exclaimed. "Where?"

"There's a trailer we can crash at until we can save ourselves," I said. "Let's go."

Without protest, Ann followed me. I grabbed her hand and began to run. I pumped my legs as fast as I could, nearly dragging Ann behind me. In the far distance, I could hear gunshots; at least seven in a row, in rapid succession.

Ann was safe with me now, but now, two people were the ones I feared for; James and Laori.

But most of all, I needed to find James. I had a feeling that I needed him.


After about an hour and a half of booking it through the woods, I managed to guide us back to the old trailer I found Slender's page. Walking inside, I found the CDs were in the exact same spot as before. Nothing was touched. Nothing had moved. I heaved a sigh in relief. "Holy shit, I think we're good now," I whispered. Ann caught her breath, falling onto the old dusty couch in the corner. I walked out of the living area and into the kitchen. There were some barstools and an island against a wall, filled with cooking ware and useless decorations. I went after the wall first, ripping the picture frames and kitchen-related bullshit off and tossing it onto the floor. I moved the utensils into the sink, dropping the entire vase of them in. I flicked the light switch and discovered it didn't work. However, if I could find a generator, this could work perfectly. I kneeled on the ground and opened the cabinet door. The storage space was filled with cleaning supplies, rags, and buckets. But one large yellow flashlight stood out to me. I quickly snatched it and tested the switch. The bulb flickered on without issue. I smiled to myself with a silent victory. Standing up, I walked back into the living space where Ann still sat curled up on the couch, shivering.

"Hey," I said gently. "It's okay. I'm gonna make this work, alright?"

She nodded, not saying a word. Though, I wasn't going to force her to talk.

"Do you want anything?"

She shook her head.

"Alright," I said, kneeling down to her level. "Listen, I'm going to go find a generator to light this place up. Wednesday morning, I'm going to get another set of hands on this. I know how to beat Slender. Just trust me."

Her eyes stayed wide whilst she stayed unmoving. I stood back up on my feet and walked back slowly towards the door. "Stay here, and stay safe," I demanded. She gave one small nod.

I gave her a nod back, then tripped out the door into the evening light. My thumb flicked the flashlight in my hand to life, and I mustered the last strength I had within me.

This was it; the start of war.

DECEMBER JANEWhere stories live. Discover now