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Minghao scrolled through Jun's Instagram account. Besides his modelling,he didn't really post much about his personal life. He wondered whether this was because of his contract and maybe just Junhui's decision.

Tuesday was too far. Even though he'd seen Jun three days ago. He wanted to see him again. The Polaroid picture he'd taken on the said date sat on his desk.

He couldn't help but smile at it a little. Junhui looked silly. There was snow all over him and he had that starstruck look you get when someone suddenly calls you.

He started at the last chat between him and Jun. That's was two days ago.

I really enjoyed yesterday. Hope we're doing it again same time next week. X.

Texting him wouldn't be too much would it? Was he being clingy and needy that he couldn't wait four more days. Fuck it.

Hey :)

The regret hit almost instantly. But then the three dots started to move.

Hey stranger,miss me already? This shoot is hella boring .

You wish,I was just checking in on you. Can't you just leave?

That's not how contracts work. I thought you knew this Minghao.

Ok my bad,quit that.

I'm sorry. Are you at the cafe? Studying I'm guessing.

No I'm actually reading at home today.

That's cool. I'll text you when my shoot is done. Take care.X.

Minghao put his phone down. What was happening to him. It's like he didn't know himself anymore. He didn't want the conversation to end. What was happening?
He picked up his book,continuing to read.

It started to drizzle. He didn't like the rain. Besides the amazing clothes for cold weather there was nothing pleasant about it. Everything was soggy and damp. It was cold. And weather had a funny way of affecting his moods too.

Unwanted flashbacks surfaced.

"Loser! Are you good at anything besides reading books huh?

"Yeah you dork. And playing the violin. For your information being in the school band is not something to be proud of"

Minghao had been ridiculed from the time he was little. He loved music and literature. Those were his things. But somehow that angered everybody. Everybody was mad at him for it.

So he tried. He tried to do everything. Everything that they all wanted. He wanted approval so he worked himself. The next thing he knew he was in a hospital bed.

Failing to meet his expectations wasn't something he took to lightly. And then the social anxiety diagnosis came in. He was all caught up. And it was dark for a while.

And then he went back to the things he loved. And he started to get happy again. And he thought maybe this time they'd accept him,be happy for him. They didn't. They never changed. History was repeating itself.

This time he couldn't bare it. So he worked. This time,for himself. He got a scholarship and left home. He never looked back. Eventually they let him be. He struggled to survive on his own. With no backbone.

He stared at the window. Across the street in a pub, people watched a football game. Touchdown!!  Shouts of joy echoed. He envied the football players,all these fans they had to lean on. Must've felt nice. He'd want to feel it too.

The rain was getting heavier and Minghao needed to put a stop to these thoughts.

The doorbell rang. He wasn't expecting anyone.

"Jun. Did you walk through the rain all the way here?"

"No,my private jet dropped me off," Jun laughed.

His heart warmed at the gesture. There was something about Moon Junhui that just made him worth getting to know.

"Get in. I have brownies to go with that coffee."
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