22 1 0

Alarm. Minghao hoisted himself out of his bed. Back to his routine. Get ready. Arrive at at the elementary school. Work till 3. Go to the bookstore. Get a new record because it was about damn time. Well the last one was something he had been stalling to do. The day went as planned,well for most of the part.

It was two-thirty pm. Almost pick up time. The kids were all ready to go. He chuckled at the excitement on their faces as they slowly started getting picked up.

Basically it was Arthur Chen,the little Chinese boy left. Chen was too wrapped up in a fairytale book. It was adorable. Minghao thought he was quite handsome,blue eyes from his mother who he knew was Scottish but had never met because it was his dad who usually picked him.

The door opened for Chen's father to step in.

"I'm sorry I had to pick up my brother at the airport and got a little delayed. Let's go Arthur."

"Oh it's fine I hope you all get home saf-"

" Why'd you bring me all the way to Arthur's scho-"

Minghao froze in his tracks and turned,he knew that voice.

"Minghao".  It'd been long since he'd heard his name said like that.

He turned to realize it was just the two of them in the room.

"Your English got better Jun," he spoke softly referring to Jun's words to who he assumed was his brother.

Pindrop silence. Flashbacks of how things ended rose. Minghao tried not to show he was breaking.

Jun stepped closer to Minghao. So close he could feel his breath,"Your hair is purple now. It's pretty."

Minghao let out a shaky breath. It was hard to be this close to him and not be able to...to hold his hand or hug him.

"Umm..your hair is a little darker,it suits you better....pretty highlights."

More silence. What was there to be said anyway?

"Hear me out ok? I didn't want to,it wasn't easy for me too. I just- you didn't deserve to be held back," Jun croaked out breaking the silence.

Minghao could not believe what Jun had to say after all this time. That was it?

"Held back from what exactly Junhui?"

Wow, Junhui. He called him by his full name. Junhui's mind was starting to hurt. He tried again.

"I was leaving. I didn't want you to suffer being with me while I'm halfway across the world. It wouldn't work out."

"Didn't want me to suffer? Weren't you just scared? You let your fear blind you. So much trust you have-had in me I can see."

"You deserved better."

"That was my decision to make Junhui,not yours."

Minghao turned grabbing his things to leave. He had to leave,even if it meant leaving Junhui alone in that classroom.

Junhui grabbed his arm.

"Let go."

Minghao suddenly regretted praying for that re-union. Definitely was not ready.

Jun held onto Minghao's arm...and then he began to cry. All the regret and hurt, and his biggest lie yet,that the decision he made was for the better.

Junhui pulled Minghao to him,hugged him as he cried on his shoulder. He cried because Minghao still smelled the same, because he had missed that warmth.

Minghao slowly wrapped his arms around Junhui because he didn't know what else to do. They stayed like that until Junhui stopped crying.

Silence again.

"Was this a setup by your brother?" Minghao asked Junhui.

"Half-brother, and I'm not sure. It could be."

His only reply to Jun was a hum.

"Minghao, please listen to me. If I lose you again,I won't be able to live with myself. I left once and it was my biggest mistake. Please...."

"Go home Junhui."

And with those words he walked out of the classroom leaving Junhui a little dumbfounded.
A/n: Well well well. One more chapter. Epilogue? Possibly

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