Chapter 23: Tequila Always Help

Start from the beginning

I should have taken that shot with Daniel. I thought, regretting to not have accepted it way time before.

The embarrassing silence between us got soon- and fortunately- broken by Lando.

"Promise me you won't get angry at Pierre." He said looking deeply into my eyes.

Hearing my best friend's name made me even more confused. "What?"

"Ehm, as you weren't exactly talking to me and as I saw you two getting very close in these past weeks, I talked to him. I mean, I asked him how you were doing and if he knew anything about all this situation but he almost beat my ass in front of everyone at the press conference."

I wasn't exactly mad at Pierre... I just wanted to kill him.

"He was furious with me too and- I admit that after a bit of pressing, he spilled the tea about you." His hand reached the back of his neck, starting to grasp it for the nervousness.

What a traitor of a best friend I have.

"I'm gonna go straight to the point. The girl you saw me with was Eliza, one of Max girlfriend's best friend. I know it seems absurd but believe me, it's the truth: for me she's just a friend. Max asked me to spend some time with her so he could have the chance to ask his girlfriend to be official. That's the only reason why we were close, definitely not in that way. The first time I met her it was in Croatia, because Max's girl didn't want to come alone with all of us boys." He started to pronounce like thousands words in a minute, almost faster than Eminem.

"Lando, you don't have to explain anything, I don't really care. You're more than free to do whatever you want-"

"Please, just let me finish. I'm so sorry for being such an asshole too. I had no right to treat you like this, it's just that... Argh, Why is it so hard?" He brushed his hands over his face, hiding what it looked like some tears. "Lately the media is killing me. Everyone put so much pressure on me after the past shitty results. People kept writing awful things about me and I'm just... scared. I've put all my future in McLaren after many sacrifices. It's just that I don't want to disappoint anybody from the team and my family, I just can't."

He stopped because of some low sobs that were escaping his mouth.

I'm aware of the fact that sometimes I'm a real moody and contradictory bitch, but right now, seeing him so vulnerable in front of me, was killing me. I couldn't just pretend that I didn't feel sorry for him.

"Hey Lan, look at me." I gently touched his cheeks, drying some tears and gently pulling him towards me. "Ok, try to calm down a bit. Let's breathe together. Inhale and exhale."

He followed my breath and calmed after a few times. His gaze never let my face, his hands tight around my wrists to keep mine still on his face.

"I've ruined everything with you just because I'm an immature idiot." His voice came out like a whisper, loud enough to be heard.

"Lan, I know I'm not the best person to tell this but people usually talk about things with the ones they love to be able to move on, if they really care..."

"I've always cared about you, never doubt it." He replied, staring into my eyes. "Give me another chance, please. You're one of the best thing that has ever happened to me. I need you, above all right now because everywhere you go, you take a bit of calm through the storm. I know you'll keep being my side as you did these last weeks but this time I promise you that I'm not gonna push you away. I want to be with you, Kiara."

Useless to say that I was the one crying after his words.

"Come here." I grabbed his arm and pulled his body on me to hug him. "I know what you're living, I've already been through it. You have to be strong, Lan. Don't care about what people say, they don't know you as we do. We are the only one that matter, the only one that care about your being. Never doubt yourself. We're humans, we always do mistakes."

His breathe became regular again. His strong arms around my waist made butterflies fly uncontrollably in my stomach. His cheeks were a bit red and his puffy eyes the usual deep blue with some green sprinkles that I love.

"I've made way too many mistakes lately too." I whispered in his, still engulfed in his warm arms.

"What do you mean? Are you fine?" He asked, breaking the hug just a little to be able to look me in the face but still keeping me close to him.

"Where to start... I didn't take that shot with Danny."

He laughed at my irony but returned serious soon.

"Please, give me another chance, I'm not gonna waste it, not again."

I caressed his humid cheek again, trailing my fingers on his jaw. I saw him shiver only because of my touch. Then I pecked his lips for the first time in a very long time.

"I do Lan, but don't you dare fuck up again." I said, while our lips were still brushing against each others.

"I won't."

He finally smiled and pulled me in for a long kiss, making my night, day and weekend so better.

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