Me: How do you know it's related to me? 

Ailah: Only you, Hud and Bukar are emotionally intelligent enough for marriage. 

Laughter fills the room. 

Jafar: Wallahi Ailah, don't return to this country unless you want to disappear. 

Akram: when did you even grow wings like this? 

Ailah: Losers aside. I knew Hud wasn't about to marry someone who isn't "you know who".

Hudayya: Who's "you know who"? 

I watch Hud freeze up. 

Jafar: She's closer than you'd think. 

Hudayya: Why are you guys speaking in code?

Ailah: That aside, Bukar is fresh out of a relationship with someone he actually liked. I considered him getting married for petty revenge, but I remembered he's matured.

Bukar: True that.

Hudayya: You can change the conversation all you want, but I will find out who she is. 

Bukar: I hope you do. 

Akram snickers and Hud flashes him his middle finger.

Ailah: That left only you. So, please tell me who she is. Or at least show me a picture. 

Ibrahim: You'll see her when you get here, baby sis.

Ailah: Fine, I'll be patient. But it better be worth the curiosity. 

Jafar: I promise she is. 

I give him a pointed look, and he sticks his tongue out at me. 


I placed my feet on the headboard as I scrolled through Twitter. I was laughing hysterically at a post when Juju called.

Me: Hey.

Juju: Hi, my love. You didn't call yesterday. 

Me: I'm sorry it slipped my mind. I was tired after he left, so I slept early.

Juju: How was it?

Me: Decent. Not much to fault. 

Juju: Is he cute?

Me: He is. He gave me this.

I showed her my ring.

Juju: OMG, it's so pretty.

Me: I know. He's even giving me another. 

Juju: How was the conversation?

Me: He was surprisingly very witty. 

Juju: You can say it turned out well. 

Me: Something like that. 

Juju: I'm sorry. 

Me: It's not your fault. 

Juju: It is. I lured you into that life. It was wrong. I didn't want to feel alone, so I coerced you into joining me. It was just another way for me to justify my sins. 

One thing I loved about Juju was how honest she was. She never ran from things. She faced them head-on. 

She'd been there for me since we were little. She knew everything. And she was the only friend I could rely on.

Me: Mistakes are to be made and learned from. It's all part of growing. What's important is taking care to avoid repeating them. Let's forget the past and look into the future. 

Juju: You're so well-spoken. 

Me: It's the literature I took in secondary school. 

Juju: Have you found out who sent the pictures to your dad?

Me: No. You know I can't even ask him. 

Juju: Well, whoever it was should rot in hell. Should I buy a flight ticket for the wedding?

Me: You don't have to. I'm not doing anything. I want it to be minimal and quiet. 

Juju: Alright then. But make sure you take pictures. You may look back at them and be happy with your choice one day. 

Me: I don't have a dress for that. 

Juju: I'll tell my sister to come take your measurements. If it's for you, she can put everything on hold and finish it in less than a week. 

Juju's sister had a successful tailoring business. She's always been like an older sister to me. Everyone in her family was incredibly kind. 

Me: That's not necessary. 

Juju: It is. Please do it for your best friend. 

Me: Since you begged. 

Juju: Yay, it's going to be so pretty. I think a dark green would look nice on you since you're white. 

Me: White? You're crazy.

Juju: You know it's true.

We wrapped our call after 30 more minutes because Juju had to update me on all the drama I had missed. 

Almost immediately, a text came in. It was from an unknown number and read: What shiny gem do you like the most?

I caught myself smiling at the text. I'll reply in a bit so I don't seem desperate. 

Another text then came in. "I won't take it as you were waiting for my text, so reply quickly".

I frantically looked around the room to ensure he wasn't hiding somewhere. Was this guy reading my mind? 

I waited a minute and then replied, " trust me, I wasn't thinking that. I like diamonds the most".

I had about 3 "Ibrahims" in my contacts, so I saved his name as Ibrahim (the light-skinned one). I giggled at my humour. 

A knock sounded on my door. 

"Come in," I yelled.

"Miss Fatima, dinner is ready," A maid informs me. 

"I'll be down soon," I replied and dismissed her.

I changed my shorts and put on some palm Angel's track pants and an oversized top. I dreaded these dinners, but I had no option but to attend. 

I skipped downstairs and into the dining room. I took my usual spot at the end of the table, ignoring the monster at the head. 

His darling daughter was visiting her mother's family, so at least he would not nauseate us with his overflowing love for her. My mother sat in the middle.

"Abduljalal Kabir called me last night, so I take it you didn't ruin this one thing," My father said. 

"Enlighten me, please. What else have I ruined?" I asked. 

He tsked. 

"The wedding will be in two weeks, so prepare what you need to," he said to my mother, and she nodded.

Two more weeks, and we'd both be free of this man. I would get up and moonwalk if I could. But, unfortunately, my dancing skills were severely lacking. 

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