Chapter 12

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"Get some sleep Lucy, we can talk about it then.'

"I can't sleep, I have to go back" Lucy voiced her body feeling heavy as she attempted to leave his arms, much to his delight watching her struggle, her eyes closing and opening. Her heart raced as she tried to find the strength to stand, her body seemingly rejecting her every effort. He pulled her tightly against his chest, feeling her body melt into his, despite her resistance.

"I'll wake you up in an hour" Natsu chuckled

"You barely wake up on time for missions Natsu, you sleep into noon at my apartment half the time." Lucy retorted feeling her eyes get heavy as she leaned into his chest. "It's not like I can help it," Natsu chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I'm an unstoppable force when it comes to sleep."

"Yea I can tell, you barely get to the guild before 3" Lucy mused, feeling more at ease. "And I'm not gonna stop anytime soon," Natsu said with a grin, squeezing her waist lightly.

"If you think that's bad," Natsu said, grinning impishly, "You should see how often I oversleep at my own place." He mused winking.

"Happy tells me all the time, something about you never waking up and not feeding him" Lucy chuckled her eyes closed as she snuggled into his chest.

"Stop being so negative, go to sleep. I'll wake you up in an hour." He mused. "Besides," he continued, "it's high time you got some rest. I'll make sure Happy behaves while you do."

"More like you?"

"Go to sleep," he said deadpan as he looked at her, noticing the smile on her face and the laughter that erupted from her. "I'm not sure what you mean by that" he added, raising an eyebrow and keeping his gaze fixed on her. As she fell asleep in his arms, her eyes stopped fighting sleep. He hugged her tightly, caressing her back until he was sure she was deeply asleep as if to assure himself that she was safe in his arms. As he watched her finally drift off, he whispered the words once again, this time with a much softer tone, "Sleep tight, my love."

"I'll be here always" he murmured, reassuring her with a gentle kiss on the forehead before he settled in more comfortably beside her. With a content smile, he felt his heart swell with admiration and love for this woman in his arms.

Watching the sunrise, Natsu wondered if something had happened this morning or last night. And one of them is in danger or was in danger. He couldn't shake the feeling that he could still help somehow if only he knew what was going on. Lucy said she finally understood why he did what he did. Did someone almost die? He thought as he held her tighter afraid of what the possibility was. Natsu had to find out what Lucy was talking about and why she seemed to understand why he had done what he did. He realized that he couldn't escape the fear that someone had almost died, and he felt helpless. He needed to find out more in order to help. Or at least help calm Lucy's mindset Natsu thought. The fear that someone had almost died was like a noose that had been placed around Natsu's neck, and the more he thought about it, the tighter it seemed to become.

Looking down at Lucy, his heart calmed down a bit, as he couldn't stop thinking about it. Her scent usually something that calms him was something that was worrying him, the way the different scents mixed into her body. He realized that there was something off with the way the scents mixed into her body, and he couldn't help but worry about it.

Trying to calm his mind, Natsu looked down at Lucy and watched her sleep. Watching the sun so he knew when to wake her. He studied her closely, admiring the way the sun shone through her hair, hoping this would be the day he would be able to help her feel better trying to calm his mind. Natsu marveled at how the morning light highlighted her features, cherishing the moment even though he was afraid.

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