Chapter 10 -

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There was a slight serenity that filled Lucy's room, as she swayed feeling light on her feet listing to the soft rain hitting against her window. It was a simple feeling but brought her such a calmness something she was getting used to feeling again. As she looked around her room, she gazed at the boxes organized in her room and the other few items that needed to be packed before she left.

The storage department would be here tomorrow picking up the boxes and sending them to Hargeon, and Happy's fish tab was paid off for a whole year, the book for Levy was almost complete except for the last chapter and her PO box was all set up for them.

Happy and she had already completed their final mission together in Hargeon, where she acquired the key to Corvus and gave Happy all the less-than-mature details of her reasons for leaving. After they both started crying, she had to go out and purchase him a fish to help him settle down. Lucy grimaced as she remember the train ride, feeling a little guilty Happy remained on her lap softly sniffling during the train ride home, and all she could do was hold him in her arms and let him cry because these would be their final moments together.

She had already visited Hibiki and questioned him about the archive and celestial magic Hibiki was able to provide her with as much information as possible and copy the information down for her. Everything she wanted to accomplish before leaving was already done all that was really left was to wait for the storage department and request an official leave before she left and get some traveling supplies.

Drained Lucy stretched before laying on her bed exhausted, the room somehow felt smaller than it did before, lucy stopped as she felt the building rattle softly trembling. Looking outside her window, seeing the rain pick up out there lucy groaned getting up and closing all the windows in the apartment. Before sitting back down and listening to the thunderstorm and the drifting off.

The lighting went off in the background loudly waking her up from her small nap, and a small thud was heard outside the door. Getting up Lucy rushed to the door with her keys in hand.


A chill ran through her body as she braced against the sudden gust of wind that came through the doorway, and the sound of rain stopped abruptly. Her heart raced as the cold air brought a chill to her bones and a sense of dread filled her. The sound of the rain had been so soothing, but now it had been replaced by an eerie silence. Opening the door she glanced down to see a flurry of powder blue locks and small pieces of ice lying around her as if time had frozen.

There was blood, made visible by the pale color of her face and the flushed complexion of her cheeks. Her usually blue dress was torn in many places. She lay there, still and silent, her body limp and lifeless. Dust had built up on her cheeks. The parts of her body exposed were covered in a deep shade of red around her collar and shoulder, and her leg was bruised. Her eyes, usually bright and full of life, were now dull and vacant, leaving her with a look of sorrow and despair.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and her trembling lips could barely manage a whisper.

"Juvia," Lucy whispered, as she dropped to the floor. Rolling her over so she could face her, blood mixed in with her hair and she was paler than she usually was. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow, her lips were slightly parted and she was so still. Lucy feared the unthinkable and frantically checked for a pulse.

Lucy's heart sank as she saw the state Juvia was in, and she could feel tears prickling in her eyes. Lucy's eyes welled up in Lucy's eyes as she vigorously shook her body. Her throat was burning from trying to suppress her sobs, and her heart felt like it was being squeezed as her tears streamed down her face.

Fairytail- Losing me to Find MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant