Can I?

273 3 31

"I'm not cute."

"Ok then, you're adorable how about that?"

"I am not!!!"

"Hm well can we agree you're precious?"


"Fine then I agree with myself that you're precious, adorable, and cute."



"So what?"






"Rui just fucking say it!!"

"Wanna be my boyfriend Tsu?" Tsukasa froze and just stood there bright red, eyes wide open. "Speechless again?"


Rui's mind: Fufu~ so cute :3

"So yes, no, probably, maybe, definitely?"

"Ah uh ah"

"Tsu, that's not an answer <3"

"Pfft ah uhhh"

"It's ok love take your time."


"Sooo yes?"

"Ahaha that was weird I must have gotten distracted by something there was uh a fly and I wanted to stop and look at it let's keep walking yep haha mhm!!" Tsukasa started power walking forwards.

"Alrighty~" Rui followed him shortly after.

"Great weather today huh?"

"Fufu~ Yup the weather is great," Tsukasas face, ears and the back of his neck were all still bright red.

"So... How has your day been?"

"Pretty good, I found out someone I really like likes me too~"

"Ehe that's nice."

"Actually could you give me some advice?"

"W-what advice do you need?"

"This guy, he's so so pretty and perfect and handsome and precious and I really love him you know?"


"And I told him I love him and he said he thinks he did too..."


"And I told him I would really like him to be my boyfriend and he seems so be avoiding my question."

"That's eh interesting..."

"And I was wondering if you knew if he would say yes if I asked him again?"

"He uh probably would really like that but he's not really sure if it's ok..."

"Mhm, and why is that?"

"Because uh this guy really really likes you but he's you know and you're ya know..."

"Mhm and what if that guy and I kept it a secret?"

"Then I suppose it would be fine..."

"So Tsukasa would you like to be my boyfriend?"


"Yay! I'm glad you said yes, for a while there I was pretty nervous you'd say no haha."

"Why would I say no?

"Oh? So you've known you've liked me~?"

"I never said that!!"

"Well when you say with absolute certainty that you want to be my boyfriend it implies you've known you wanted to date me~"

"Fine! Maybe I have!!"

"Mhm, and we met just the day before yesterday sooo. How long have you known Tsu?"


"I've known since I saw you in that alleyway~"

"You've liked me all that time!!!"

"I haven't liked you all that time, I've loved you all that time."


"What're you scared of Tsu?"

"You just- I don't know..."

"Mhm ok, you never answered how long you've wanted to date me though~"

"i mean if i think about it i've liked you the whole time too.."

"Oh? Even when you thought I was a gifted child stealer?"

"Hey! You make it sound like I shouldn't like you!!!"

"I mean..."

"What!? You're a great person!"

"Awe thank you darling~"


"What can I not call you pet names?"

"No! You can call me them!!"

"So you like them~?"


"I'm glad you like them love~" The two walked in silence for a while, the only thing you could hear was the sound of their footsteps. "Hey Tsu can I kiss you?"


"Can I kiss you~"

"Uh... sure." Rui smiled and the two stopped. Rui took a step closer to Tsukasa and they held hands, fingers intertwined. They stood there for a second, Tsukasa bright red and Rui with a bit of pink dusted in his cheeks. After admiring each other for a few moments Rui finally closed the gap between them. They stayed kissing for a few seconds before pulling away.

"You're a great kisser Tsu~"

"Of course! A knight has to be great!!" Tsukasa struck a random pose.

"You're amazing my star~"


I couldn't think of anything else to add rn so take that bad ending lol love u guys byee <33

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