Interrupted Mission

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Tsukasa had started working with the government to help prevent kidnappings around the country. The Queen, Ms. Otori, suspected that the festival happening this week would be high risk of kidnappings and ordered Tsukasa to be on guard and patrol around the area of the main event. Tsukasa had become a knight of sorts and was provided a uniform similar to the knight's, a dagger, and a sword to protect the children. Queen Otori had a soft spot for the children of her country (because she basically is one) and wanted to ensure their safety.

So there Tsukasa was. Tsukasa had changed into civilian clothes so he wouldn't ride any suspicion while walking around alleyways. He kept only his dagger on him as his sword was too large to be just walking around with.

Tsukasa had been roaming the streets and alleys of Otopia (i tried to come up with a good name :,)) when he spotted a child walking alone. Now, Tsukasa knew he could ensure the child's safety by just walking with it but if he followed the child he could find out who was behind these descusting acts and get them locked up for good. So, Tsukasa did just that and sure enough after a few minutes of following the child in shadows and behind buildings, someone tapped his shoulder.

"Psst," The unknown person whispered as he tapped Tsukasas shoulder. Tsukasa turned to see a purple haired person smiling at him. "Hiya, what're you doing following an innocent child around?"

"My job, now if you don't mind I need to make su-" A loud crash interrupted Tsukasa.

"NO GET AWAY FROM ME!!" A child's voice yelled. Tsukasa quickly was held back by the man behind him taking both of his arms and putting them behind his back. Holding his hands in place by his wrists with one hand.

"WHAT ARE YO-" The purple haired covered Tsukasas mouth with his free hand.

"Shhh, and stop squirming," The purple haired said, "Can you stay quiet for me? Just as small favor, I promise it'll benefit you more than yelling." Tsukasa reluctantly nodded and the taller smiled in reply.

The purple haired stranger stepped out from where the two were hiding, behind a building, and the two men taking the kid stopped. "The fuck are you doing here?" one of the men said.

"I just wanted to make sure the two of you knew an undercover knight was following you. Oh and I would be a bit nicer to the person you're taking the kid for," Tsukasa felt instant regret, but something was still letting him keep his mouth shut. He didn't know why but there was something about the man holding his wrists that made Tsukasa want to trust him. He knew he should kick him or something for the better of the country but he just wanted to trust the other.

"Sorry sir, we will get this child straight to your warehouse immediately," The second man said as the two went off with the kid in hand. The tall man let go of Tsukasa.

"Did you really have those men steal that kid for you," Tsukasa stayed standing in front of the purple with his hands now rested by his sides. He was ashamed that he didn't stop those men from taking the innocent kid. If that were Saki he never would have let them take them, but Tsukasa was selfish enough to let the kid be taken for his own personal gain. And even so Tsukasa hadn't gained anything. The men were already long gone with the child. He was a failure. He let down his country.

"Hmm, why would I tell you that~?" The purple hummed as he spoke, he came in front of Tsukasa. "You're a knight after all. If I were a criminal mastermind I shouldn't even be talking to you hm?" Rui lifted Tsukasas chin with his index finger. Tsukasa was so confused with everything he was feeling. He just wanted to get back to stand guard by the Queen but at the same time he dreaded having to leave the man in front of him. What if he never saw him again? It would be such a shame. "Speechless are we?" The purple smiled seeing Tsukasas cheeks flush red, "Fufu~ you're an interesting person I must say. My names Rui by the way, if you ever want to talk about me~" 'Rui' took his hand off Tsukasa, "See you soon, Tsukasa."

What the fuck just happened?


I think these chapters will be a bit shorter than my other ruikasa fic's because it's less work yk? Anyways I hope you guys like the story so far 🫶

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