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Tsukasa woke up to a tapping noise on his window. He got up and opened his curtains and saw Rui hanging upside down. Tsukasa opened the window to talk to him.

"Rui how in the-" Tsukasa poked his head out the window to see if Rui was hanging from some kind of bar but no, he was just floating upside down.

"What? I told you I was gifted didn't I?"


"I mean I can float around but i'm not like some kind of superhero," Rui went into Tsukasas room through the window. "Wow Tsu your room is so fancy~"

"We are NOT getting off topic! You can fly!?!"

"Like I said before, I can float around but I can't move forward without pushing against something," Rui walked around as if he owned the place and looked around at random things and decorations.

"I didn't know gifted people were able to fly, that's pretty crazy,"

"Like I said, float. Also not all gifted people can, different people have different amounts of 'magic'"

"Huh, I wonder how much Saki has,"

"Who's Saki?"

"My younger sister, she also has the gift."

"I bet you're great at protecting her Tsu~" Rui went back to Tsukasa after he had walked around Tsukasas whole room.

"Of course I do! It's my goal to keep people like her safe!" Tsukasa struck a random pose.

"Fufu~ what's the pose for?" Rui smiled and floated criss cross at Tsukasas eye level.

"Uh, I'm not really sure? I guess I just do them for Saki a lot haha..." Tsukasa put his arms down and scratched the back of his neck a bit.

"No, don't stop I like your poses! There cute~" Tsukasa couldn't help but feel a bit of unwanted warmth on his cheeks.

"Ahh you really think so?"

"Of course! Someday i'll pay for a painter to paint a portrait of you making a cute pose like that and I'll frame it and put it in my room,"

"What?!? Why!?!"

"Because, you're too cute for me to just leave you and not want to see your face," Rui poked Tsukasa on the nose.

"Fine then i'll get a portrait of you! How about that!"

"Awe we can match in each others portraits <3"

"You're not supposed to like that idea!!!"

"Why wouldn't I? A cute knight offered to have a portrait of little ol me and hang it in his room so he could see me every day~ I take that as a win for me",

"Fine! Then I won't get a portrait of you!"

"Aww what a shame~ But you seem pretty hesitant to not get it, does that mean you want to see my face everyday~ You did call me pretty last night,"

Tsukasa tried to hide how flustered he was but failed horribly, "I- Tsk!"

"Fufu~ what's with me and making you speechless, my star, don't tell me you have some kind of crush on me~"

"Of course not! You're a criminal after all! I should've arrested you the first time we met!"

"Yet you didn't, why?"


"So cute~" Rui mumbled under his breath, "Well are you ready to see what's this 'evil mastermind' lives?"

"I never said I wanted to see your home, I said I wanted to see your 'warehouse'"

"I think you'll find more value in seeing my house. If we went to the warehouse it wouldn't end well for  a knight like you,"

"And why so?"

"Guards obviously,"

"But i'm not in uniform?"

"Yes that is true but everywhere on you screams 'i'm rich' and if they see you coming in and they don't know you they would report it to their boss,"

"I thought you were their boss though,"

"You really believed I was a gifted child stealer?"


"Tsu, Im not an evil person."

"Well in my defense you made it seem very much like you were their actual boss,"

"Yeah, in public so that if any of those people were lurking around they would believe my lie,"

"Then why did you literally use the gift in public?!?"

"There was a blue rose bush near us, you were the only one who would have seen me make the rose appear and if they id actually see the rose they would think I picked it," Rui went back to standing on the ground normally.

"I didn't even notice the rose bush..."

"Awe were you too focused on me?"

"NO!" (he was)

"I'll beleive your lie, you do seem pretty unobservant,"

"Hey! What do you even mean by that??!?"

"Well you were following a kid without even caring if anyone saw you, it's a pretty bad mistake if you ask me. What if someone saw you and that person took you too? I don't know what I would do if I saw such a pretty knight get taken,"

"Why do you care about me so much anyways? You're always looking out for me and making sure i'm ok, yet who knows you could be from Kioroia,"

"And if I was?"

"Please don't tell me..."

"Haha you caught me," Rui put up his hands as if he was getting arrested, "Not only am I from Kiotoia but take a guess what my last name is~"


"Language Tsu, thats no way to treat your friend~"

"How could we be friends when you're from my enemy country? I'm a knight of Otopia and you... what is your last name."


Tsukasa took a step away from Rui, "There is no way I can even keep talking to you! What if someone sees me and recognizes you!! There's no way I could stay a knight!"

"Awe you're worried about being caught with me but you're completely fine with spending more time with me knowing i'm a Kamishiro?"

"Well... You don't seem as evil as i've heard your father is. You seem, rather nice?"

"You sound uncertain of my kindness. Don't tell me you think i'm as horrible as my dad just because we're related?"

"Well, I've been taught not to trust any Kamishiro."

"Well id like you to know my mother is very nice, maybe I could invite you to a ball at the palace sometime? My parents are sick of my just bringing Nene every time but not marrying her,"

"How could I attend a ball in Kiotoa? Im a knight of Otopia! That would mean I betray my Queen!"

"Use a fake name or something, I'm sure you would love one of our balls though,"

"We've gotten very far off topic! Is there any way you could just show me where the children are?"

"Fine fine, but we need to make up some kind of fake story for you. I'm all set already being the son of the King of Kiotoa, but you. Hmm..."


I don't habe muh of a note so all i'll say is I hope you guys like where i'm headed 🫶😘

Could a knight like me be seen with you?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ