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Tsukasa and Rui started walking to the Kamishiro Palace. It was only roughly three minutes away and the warehouse, so it would be convenient for Rui's dad of course. The two walked the whole was in silence. Tsukasa was still shocked and Rui didn't know what to say to comfort him. The two reached the Palace and Rui finally broke the silence.

"Do you mind if I pick you up?"

"Of course not."

"Fufu~ of course, obviously you're fine with this person you've only know for a day picking you up," Rui teased Tsukasa as he picked him up bridal style and Tsukasa wrapped his arms around Rui's neck. Just like the first time Rui had Tsukasa in his arms, the two were extremely close and if you listened hard enough you could hear one another's heartbeats. Rui's room was connected to a balcony so once Rui made it up high enough he stood on the balcony and set Tsukasa down.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that haha,"

"It takes a while but I'm sure you will. Anyways it's starting to get dark should we go to bed?"

"I guess we should, do you have a night shirt I can borrow to sleep in?"

"Of course, I'll get my nicest one for you,"

"You really don't have to, I can sleep in anything."

"Nonsense! I want to treat my guest dont I?"

"I guess, but I don't need to wear anything fancy to sleep,"

"Oh well you're wearing my silk shirt from China."

"From across the sea!?!"

"Mhm, pretty neat right?" Rui took the shirt from his closet and handed it to Tsukasa.


"No buts you're wearing the shirt. And better yet you can keep it, I never wear it anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm, you can change in there. Do you need any pants?"

"No i'm all good thank you."

"You're not wearing pants to bed?"

"THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!! I mean I'm fine with wearing the ones I have on now!!"

"Are you completely sure? I have plenty of pants for you to borrow."

"Mhm I'm sure," Tsukasa went into the changing room and changed into the silk sleep shirt Rui game him. Tsukasa smelled the shirt a bit and sure enough is smelled like Rui: Fresh sugar plumb. Tsukasa came out of the changing room and saw Rui already in his own sleep wear.

"Oh Tsu you're so pretty in my shirt~"

"I ah geez haha, thanks."

"No, really you look so stunningly gorgeous I just want to k..."

"You what!?!"


"Mhm. Anyways where do you want me to sleep?"

"Well I figured we could just sleep in my bed as long as you don't mind."

"I- ehm sure" Tsukasa tried to look away in hopes Rui didn't see his flushed face, but he did. They both went into Rui's bed and under the covers. Tsukasa laid close to the else so he wouldn't bother Rui. Rui was disappointed but kept to his own side.

"Goodnight Kichō,"

"Ehm goodnight Rui,"

About 10 minutes had passed since then, Tsukasa was deep in sleep but Rui was still wide awake. He always had problems with sleeping and today he just couldn't put his finger on why he couldn't sleep.


"I'm assigning you two to explore the northern mountains. Do you two think you can handle it on your own or do you need other knights?"

"We will be just fine your majesty."

"Perfect then you two will leave tomorrow at dawn."

"Thank you for trusting us on this journey."

"You are my most loyal knights, I'm sure you won't disappoint me like the people you used to work beside did."

"We will never do such your majesty. And that is a sincere promice from the both of us."

"Very well. Now, you two do back to your quarters. You have much travel to do tomorrow."

"Yes your majesty."

<next morning>

"I wish you both well on your journey, my knights. Donny disappoint me."

"We won't your majesty."

And so the two knights started their long travel by wagon but not for very long. Once they got to the mountain they had to go by foot. So they did just that. Once they had made it to a flat in the mountain an unknown noise came out from a large cave.

"Stay here darling, I'll go investigate."

"You can't go by yourself! I can't risk loosing the one I love so dearly."

"Precisely why I can't let you go. I'm going in no matter that you say."

"Please my love, be careful."

The knight was careful, but not careful enough. A loud noise screaming noise was heard from inside the cave. The second knight immediately rushed inside the cave and saw his lover, laying on the ground bleeding out.

"Kichō..." The second knight went over to his love and held him as he bled out.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't careful enough."

"No darling it's my fault for not protecting you. I promise in our next lives I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.

woah past life story 🤯🤯🤯

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