I think I love you...

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"Ah Rui it looks pretty late huh?"

"What do you mean it's before noon?"

"Yes but I don't want my mom worrying about me. I need to get home."

"Ah I see, can I walk you home?"

"Are you sure? It's quite a few miles west from here..."

"Mhm! I cant let my precious star get hurt can I?"

"Then why did you take a knight of Otopia to Kiotoia?!"

"Well I wanted a good excuse to spend more and more time with you~"

"What so you can 'protect' me?"

"I mean sure that's one reason but I have a million reasons I want to be with you, would you like me to list them?"

"I'm good thanks."

"Alrighty~ Then we should go now right?" Rui got up and out his handout to Tsukasa.

"Uh yeah," Tsukasa took Rui's hand and Rui helped him up. When the two started walking they saw someone coming up to them.

(Rui, Tsukasa, Nene)

"Hi Nene! How have you been? It feels like I haven't see you in forever."

"Oh Ive been pretty good, my moms still trying to set me up with men to marry which is so fucking annoying."

"Oh I feel you. My parents are still obsessed with getting me to marry you can you believe it?"

"Yuck i'd rather marty a rat than marry you."

"Awe I'm not all that bad right Tsu?"

"Huh? Oh no you're not bad at all!"

"So is that your boyfriend or..?"

"WHAT NO!!!"

"Fufu~ I wish."


"Mhm. So youre 'just friends' right?"

"Actually Nene, it's him."

"What do you- Ohhh him. Well you better invite me to the wedding hm?"


"I dont think my dad would be very pleased with that... also Tsu just wants to be platonic soulmates right?"

"Well I neve- WAIT YEAH RIGHT."

"Uhuh so hes just in denial or..?"


"Alrighty. Anyways you said your dad wouldnt be happy about that? Why?"

"Well I'm yknow the prince of Kiotoa and Tsukasa's a knight."

"I dont see a problem with that?"

"Of Otopia..."

"Ah, I see. But then why is he here?"

"Ah well I can't really say right now..." Rui looked ober to the police man and kind of gestured to him.

"Oh I see, well i'm off to 'go on a blind date' Im really just going to see your grandma at the bakery."

"We just saw her! Tell her I said hi then!!"

"I will bye Rui and his bf!!" Nene walked off over to the bakery.

"I AM NOT!!" Tsukasa said before the two started walking back to his house.

(Back to both normal text)

"You make it sound like it would be so horrible if you were. Oh Tsu dont tell me im unlovable~"

"I would never say such a thing!!!"

"Sooo I am love-able?"

"You're an extremely lovable person Rui!!"

"So~ Does that mean you love me~"

"What if I did!?!" Tsukasa puffed out his chest and crossed his arms as if he was proving a point.

"Oh I love you too my star! I'm so glad our feelings are mutual!"


"Hm? You love me dont you? Oh dies that mean I can do this now?" Rui and Tsukasa stopped and Rui held Tsukasas hands and leaned into him. Tsukasa felt butterflies flutete all around his stomach and felt his face go red. Rui was inches away from the others face when Tsukasa snapped out of the shock he was in and pushed him away.


"What? I was about to give my boyfriend a kiss~"

"I take it back!!! I dont love you!!!"

"Awww what a shame~ We'll we better get going home then so your mom doesn't worry about you!" Rui casually started walking again as if nothing happened.

"Uh ah yeah." Tsukasa stumbled a bit but was able to catch up. There were a few moments of silence before Tsukasa spoke up again. "Uh Rui?"

"Yes my precious?"

Tsukasa felt more butterflies form but was able to calm himself. "So uh what you said before..."

"What is said before which thing? I said quote a few things." Rui knew but he just wanted Tsukasa to say it straightforward.

"Uh you said you uh ah loved me..."


"Was it true?" Tsukasa looked over to Rui.

"Of course."


"Why would I lie to such a pretty star?"


"You alright?"




"Ohh you love me too but don't want to say it right?"


"Oh or I could be completely wrong... I guess you'll need to tell me for me to know~"


"Fufu~ So cute~"


"Mhm sure~"



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