How could I ever get sick of you?

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"Can I make you a deal then?" Rui was still laying in the air, arms around Tsukasa.

"And that is?"

"You take me halfway like this and I'll take you the other half on my back. How does that sound?"

Tsukasa let out a fake sigh, he didn't actually mind Rui's arms around his neck and Rui's face so close to his. He actually thoroughly enjoyed it, "No, its fine you can stay, you just need to give me directions. I've never been in Kiotoia before."

"Of course, I'll give you all the directions you need," Rui squeezed tighter in Tsukasa before loosening his grip again."Soo do you have any more questions for me or do you mind if I ask you some things?"

"I just have two more questions for you. number one why did you wait until we were in Kiotoia to float like this?"

"Oh that's an easy one, simply because while Queen Otori is fine with gifted people, many many others aren't and that would put me in danger which in turn would put you in danger. Now, your next question?"

"Why do you only care if i'm in danger but not if you're in danger? Aren't you at more risk of something bad happening, you know being the son of the king and all."

"I don't care really if i'm at risk. I mean if something were to happen to me it's fine because I didn't really have much to do with my life anyways. As for you... I don't think I can tell you quite yet."

"Rui!! Do you even hear yourself! You can't die!"

"Why not? My dad doesn't want me to become King anyways when he's dead. So it's not like I'll hurt anyone with my death."

"What about me? Do you know how hurt I would be if you died!!"

"Oh, I guess I didn't think you really care about me. I kinda figured you'd be like the rest of my 'friends' besides Nene."

"Of course I'm not. Even though we only met yesterday, something about you just makes me care for you. And what did your other friends do that hurt you so bad it made you think no one would care if you died?!?"

"I don't know everyone eventually just gets sick of me. It's something I've tried to hard to prevent but it seems inevitable. I'm just waiting until Nene gets sick of me so I can..."

"RUI!?! Finish they sentence right now!!" Tsukasa stopped walking and Rui just held tighter onto Tsukasa.

"... So I can kill myself,"

"Rui, please don't kill yourself."

"Well then I won't! Because there's a new person in my life that seems to genuinely care for me! Hey Tsu has anyone ever told you your hair smells like strawberries?"

"No? No one's ever really smelling my hair..?"

"Their loss, your hair smells amazing!" Rui sniffed Tsukasa's hair a bit more.

"Why would anyone smell my hair for any reason?"

"Well I'm smelling your hair right now,"

"Yes but you're also floating in the air with your arms around my neck. I don't think I can count you with the other people I know,"

"Aww I'm so special to you that you don't even count me with the other people you know~"

"Well you're also the only person from Kiotoia I know so for all I know everyone from here might be like you,"

"You make a good point but most people, especially in cities close to the capital, try to look perfect because they are scared of my dad."

"And why wouldn't you be? He's your dad after all."

"He couldn't care less about what I do. As long as I don't hurt the country he doesn't bother me."

"You've hurt he country before?"

"I mean all I did was set one little bomb at my school. It's not THAT bad."


"Hey what did I say about your dirty mouth Tsu~"

"Rui you exploded your school, I think I have the right to be a bit shocked."

"Well I was just kinda bored so..."

"Just because you're bored doesn't mean you can set off a bomb!!!"

"It was one, maybe two, times!!!"

"You set off more than one bomb at your school!?!"

"Yeah I guess so. But I mean neither of them hurt anyone so I think they were really harmless."

"How could a BOMB be harmless??"

"They weren't strong enough to do major damage to anything or to hurt anyone."

"Then why did you set them??"

"I wanted to see if I was capable of making a bomb, who knows it could be useful sometime."

"When would having a bomb ever be useful?"

"Well if it's a harmless bomb it could be a good decoy to save the children,"

"I guess you're right, speaking of are we almost there, I'm getting pretty sick of walking."

"Aww are you sick of me? It's ok I won't get too offended."

"I never said I was sick of you,"

"Sooo you want to spend more time with me~"

"If I spend to much time with you I'm sure you'd get sick of ME,"

"I couldn't ever get sick of someone so pretty~ Oh! Tsu is that why you wouldn't get sick of me?" Tsukasa's face turned bright red and he was desperately trying to calm down. "Fufu~ Hey Tsu I have a question,"

"And that is?"

"If I were a food what would I be? I know what you would be~"

"What would I be?"

"A strawberry, wanna know why?"

"Because my hair smells like strawberries?"

"Mhm that and your face turns red like them when you're flustered it's so cute~" Rui leaned his head closer to Tsukasa's, "Oh and because your face turns warm like summer and thats when strawberries are ripe,"

Tsukasa cleared his throat before he spoke, "Eh those are uhm good reasons haha,"

"Thank you~ I spent plenty of time thinking of it, and thinking of youu~"

"Ahahah looks like we're almost there right?? right?"

"Nope~ Not even close~"

"Oh fuck me," Tsukasa mumbled, forgetting Rui could hear him because of how close he was.



"Aww man what a shame,"



I ❤️ Flustered Tsukasa

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