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Arnav clutched the tablet in anger, it wasn't Khushi but her twin sister, Sairaleft the house when she was a teenager..

Khushi and Saira Gupta were identical twin, their parents died in accident leaving them to be an orphan, Shashi and Garima Gupta adopted only to take control of their parents insurance settlement money.

But the problem was the insurance money can only be taken once they reach 18,until then they will get only ounce of it as allowances for education purposes..

They abused both Saira and Khushi,and one day saira took off from the house without anyone's knowledge.

She left no trace... Leaving her disabled sister to suffer all alone in that damned household.

Arnav felt bad for Khushi who suffered all alone... "That Saira, where is she after harming my brother and abandoning my Khushi.. Where could she be?"

My Khushi?

Arnav couldn't help but stare at that innocent face as she was pampered by the whole family. He made blunder and why make Khushi suffer because of it.. That’s why he told his family everything and also asked them to never say anything to her until the mystery solved...

Khushi smiled sheepishly as she munched her jelebis with face full of joy. She likes this family... They caring and loving.. They don't scold her for eating to much or for her clumsiness..

Anjali giggled seeing her hamster like expression and gave her more sweet.. Arnav could sense how much Anjali like Khushi, She and Raghu always wanted a sister.. When Arnav born, they both were totally disappointed.. Thinking about Raghu makes Arnav call back lot of memories..

The day he left London, Raghu and him suppose to meet at the airport.. Raghu arrive late and Arnav already boarded..

Next day, Raghu called him and scold him, asked him come back so he could smack him... They never get to meet each other.. Finally when they meet, they no longer able to communicate anymore.. Raghu fell into a deep slumber..

He will find that Saira Gupta soon and will take his revenge...


Night time..

Khushi settled down happily on the bed, so soft and smells nice.. like him. She thought.

Her husband... She doesn't know what made him to marry her in such a way but.. He got a very nice family.. She felt jealous..

But why did he look for SAIRA?

Khushi pouted and hugged the pillow sadly. "Didi.. Where are you? Arnavji is looking for you.. Did you took something important from him? Why does he look like you owe him a million rupees? " She could asked in her heart..

She slowly dozed off waiting for Arnav, while he was in the study, shouting at Alex, "Find where the hell she is!" He yelled at him and cuts the call in anger.. How could they not find a single middle girl?

He furrowed his eyebrow and opened the diary again...


Di is such a lucky charm because of her he met my angel again, she emotionally blackmailed me to visit the temple.. Saying he should tie some kind of thread then he will get a good luck in marriage, he just about to turn 30.. Why so worry? Be cool..

She had been looking forward to watching him get married and have children.. Things needs time..

He laughed at her worries, suddenly noticed a yellow kurti girl.. "Hey.. Traffic signal.." He almost called her that and stopped himself.. A smile bloomed on his face.

He wants to follow but his dear sister kept explaining and finally let him go by giving him the thread telling him to tie in around the tree.

He saw her doing the same, but the difference is she is tying two thread.. May be she is doing for her friend also..

He doesn't have any idea how to approach her.. He never been the type to waste his time flirting.. It is always other way around..  As he was hesitating whether or not to approach her.. She already gone..

He sighed, if he end up meeting her for the third time.. He will definitely won't let her go.. He marched over to the tree finds the threads she tied on.. Which one is hers? He decided to for upper one, He entwined his thread with her and tied it..

Hoping that they will meet again..


Arnav entered his Nani's room.

Saw her quickly wipes her tears upon sensing his presence.

"Nani.. Are you thinking of him?" He asked looking at her with sad smile.

In a tearful voice, Nani said, "Chote I... I really can't bear this... He's young. He's not even married yet. How can he just thought of leaving the world like this?"

"He will wake up soon.. Don't worry Nani.." He assured her, he will find that SAIRA make her beg for his forgiveness soon..

"Don't lie Chote! I know.. Dr.Mehra told.. That he won't be able to make it past the next few days. We should start making arrangements.. Why him? Is love is that important to him? What about us? His own father who loved him the most..?" She asked him with sorrowful voice...

Arnav had no answer.. Why he did do something like this.. Raghu isn't that weak.. Did that woman said something?

Their family always been different.. His mother favor him the most and she doesn't like Raghu that much.. His father loved Raghu and indifferent towards him..

Both Raghu and him, they don't understand what made them like that..

"Nani... Do you know the reason why Dad hates me and Mom disliked Bhai?" He asked her.

Devyani sighed, she doesn't know how he might take this.. "After she gave birth to Anjali.. Your mother didn't want have a child again but your father pressured to bear him a son.. Raghu was a world to Vijay.. But your mother never showed him the same affection.. And you.. Was unplanned pregnant which was shocking to Vijay.. They start to argue often because of it.. That made him indifferent towards you.. "

He deeply sighed," We both are their children! " after their divorce Anjali was the who stayed back and forth from Raizada's mansion to Rathore mansion..

" Sometimes.. People are difficult to be understand chote.. " Nani speaks.

" Nani.. Khushi is that woman's twin sister.. " He opened up.

"Chote.. Thank god that is her sister! What made you thought to marry someone woman your brother loved?" She questioned him.

"Nani that moment.. I lost my mind.. But she is innocent and pure unlike that woman. I believe one day she will come to see Khushi.." He said.

"So what are you going to do with that poor girl? She can't even talk.. If you anything to hurt her I swear I will snap you in half!" Nani threatened him.

"Nani, why would I hurt her? She.. Is my responsibility now.. No matter what, she is now my wife. I will never leave her.. I promise." He said with determination.

Nani smiled at him.. If only Raghu were here to witness this.. If only..

To be continued..

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