The Best Night

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I know he could feel my iron melting glare but chose to avoid it. Larissa's screeching voice again reached my ears and travelled strait to my tight fist. The knife in my hands were in the direction of hers to stab her.

Why invite me when his so sweet girlfriend was already here to serve mighty Chase.

Larissa passed the dishes to Chase and told him to taste it as if she had prepared it with blood and sweat. All her advances were denied by Chase though. But that was the talk of another time.  Larissa, her parents, Sin, his parents and Chase's family , the table was full and if not for Sin I had no one to engage conversation with. Chase tried but failed, several times.

I had nothing to talk to him.

Inviting her was one thing and sitting beside her was another. She was on his left side while I on right. And Sin right in front of me.

" Why are you not eating Cindrella. Is the food not to your liking? "
Chase's mother asked.
I hate attention with a passion and now that all eyes were on me it's peak had risen ten folds.

" No. The..the food is good. I just had water before eating so... "
His mother was as sweet as honey. Nothing like the media outlet had described her as ' the woman you wouldn't want to cross the path with '.
Or it was me who was oblivious to her dark aura.

" No rush. Take your time. "
I couldn't stop myself from smiling. She deserves my smile but not her son.

Something surrounded my waist but from its warmth I knew it was Chase. Placing my hands on his I dug my nails on his skin. Rather than hissing in pain he gave me his tooth grin. As much as I like him smiling it was infuriating me right now.

The chatter continued as well the wrestling match under the table. His attempt to hold my hand and my nails sinking in his skin. By the time we are done I was sure my art work would be red and praisable.

He had caged my hand in his and I couldn't even move without him tightening his grip.

" Right Chase ?"
We were so much in fighting each other we missed the whole conversation.

Good for him though.

" Sorry I didn't hear you. "
It was Larissa's father. Just like her I could smell the stench of greed from him.

" I said you will look after Larissa in NYU right? She is my only daughter and I couldn't live her alone without someone taking care of her. "
The intention behind his words were clear and the people sitting here were no fool. I hope that.

" I'm not her babysitter Mr. Whitney and if you're so much scared of her well being you shouldn't even think of sending her away. Also I have already my girlfriend to take care of so it would be ungentlemanly of me to look at other women. "
Okay I had melted. A little. But it would take much more to cool down the thing which was brewing in me.

" A girlfriend ?"
An awkward laugh that left Mr. Whitney's mouth and a glance in my direction were enough to signify me that he had no idea I was sitting right here.

Either he choose to avoid me or he thought I was with Sin.

" Yes. The girl sitting ride beside me is my girlfriend. And I'm happy to say that I would help you find the right guy for your daughter who would follow her around for you. "
They had their plates full of insults but chose to show that it didn't affected them.

Except Larissa who was behaving like a good wife now had her head down in her food.

This night couldn't go any better.

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