The Race

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" I don't want to go anywhere with you. Take me straight to home. "

" Are you gonna sit willingly  in the car or do I have to make you ."

" Don't you ever try that thing again on me."
I knew what he wanted to do, practically carrying me on his shoulder, like a potato sack to his car.

Huffing I got in the passenger seat at the same time he climbed on the driver seat. A complete, intolerable silence surrounded us making my heart palpitate and hands sweaty. I didn't dare to look upto his face, god knew what horrible expression he had on him.

" My things. "

" What? "
Confused,  he asked still looking ahead.

" My bag and phone, they are still in school."

" Chris grabbed it for you after we left. "

" Oh. "
Again the agonizing silence tore my ears. I was starving. I didn't had lunch because of Chase, after coming to his home I only ate the cookies he fed me. But then he also didn't had anything . Why do I even care. Let him starve for all day .

I neither had money nor my phone and asking him for the food was out of question.

Soon we reached an open area filled with cars and bikes. People were hollering around without a care. There were so many students of our school and from other school, also our rival one, mainly from basketball.

Was this racing thing even legal?

" Stay here till I say to come out ."

Complying with his words I waited for his signal . He got out of the car and checked the surroundings with his eagle eyes . For what? Possible danger? When he was the only  one from whom I should stay miles away.

He came around the passenger side and opened the door, took my hands and started walking towards a group. Chris was talking with Sin and Aria was looking bored with them. Where the other two were?

As the thought crossed me, a girl with very short skirt and top came bouncing towards the group we were heading. It didn't take long me to recognize that long black haired girl. It was Larissa.

As soon as her eyes met mine and our hand she fumed. I didn't do anything. It was her boyfriend's doing. Her laser gaze was set on our hands. I tried to pull back but he held it tighter.

" I thought you won't come. "
Chris said to Chase before throwing a nod my way.

" Are you okay?"
Sin, with concern looked over me.

" I'm fine. "
I assured.
Sin wanted to say something, from the way he was opening his mouth and closing again I knew he was hesitating to ask. He grabbed my hand but before I could take a step in his direction another hand stopped me. Chase.

" She came here with me , she is my responsibility now. "
He pulled me making my hold on Sin loose.

" From when did you started caring for her. "
Sin argued. Both looked ready to beat each other. Before the glaring could go further Chris stopped them.

" Guys not here. "
What did he mean by not here. He never stopped him in school what was so special about this place. I looked around and saw a bunch of boys looking directly towards us. They were from rival school.

" Leave her hand. I will take her home. "
Sin said pulling me towards him.

" She came here with me so I will take her home. "
Chase, with so much force pulled me that my head made a direct contact with his chest.

" Guys they are going hard. We didn't win even a single race. You both are next. "
Elijah jogged to us throwing away the gloves.

" Let's  make a deal. If I win I will take her home and if... "
Chase trolled. Sin accepted. What?

" Both of you I'm still here and you are betting on me. "
It was expected from Chase but from Sin?

" Cindy trust me on this . I don't want him pulling any stunt with you. "
Baffled, I looked at them.

" Chase, baby I know you gonna win this but you shouldn't care about this load. Sin will take care of it. "
Running her fingers on Chase's arm she said with extra sweet voice of hers.
Sin looked ready to shut her but Chase shoved her away, making her stumble and fall on the ground.

Shocked, Larissa looked at Chase . Not only her but we all were shocked. Remind me to not ever make him angry. She composed herself and ran towards the crowd , not before giving me a deathly glare.

Sin and Chase nodded their head and started walking in the direction Larissa disappeared. I followed them .

Along with them many others  got on the bikes, put on the gloves and helmet. Larissa was standing there holding a flag and laughing with some boys like nothing happened few minutes back.

As Larissa dropped the flag all rushed with their bikes like a wind and soon the cheers could be heard.

" Elijah? "

" Yeah? "

" Chris has my bag and phone I think. "

" Oh yes I will go and get it from his car. You stay here. "
I will disappear before both of them would go on each other's throat for taking me home. Didn't matter who win.

When Elijah returned me my things I walked away from the crowd. The place was unknown to me and I didn't recognize any known faces, it wasn't like I knew any of them .

" Need help. "
A voice I haven't heard before mumbled to my ear. Gasping I turned back to look at the person. He had a creepy smirk on his face , his grey eyes were assessing me from head to toe. Although he wasn't that tall but still he was probably 5' 9 .

" No. I can manage. "

" Hmm. "
Even after I dismissed him he didn't walk away and kept staring me.

" You're Bruno's girl right? I haven't thought he had changed his taste in chics. "

" Excuse me I'm Cindrella not his girl. "

" And I'm Nathan. "
Amused , he extended his hand to shake. I was skeptical but gave my hand. What could go wrong from a hand shake right?

" You are not staying to see your boyfriend win the game. "

" For the last time Chase and I are involved in any way. "

" But he looked interested in you or are you with his brother Sincere?"

" I don't owe  you any answer now walk away. "
He chuckled in a sinister way, shaking his head as if he didn't believe in any of my words.

" Okay for now. But we will meet again. Soon. "
In a blink his playful exterior changed into a tough one. He stormed off to his group giving me a last look.

Without wasting anymore time I started my walk to the way we came from. After walking for half an hour through the strange alley I finally found the highway and called for a cab.


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