The kiss

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" I don't have clothes for the night. "
After thinking for millions of times I knocked at his door. He answered the door with a ' What now? ' face. I couldn't help but to feel low as if I was irritating him. But then it was because of him we were left here.

He, without answering walked into his room. I stood there, not forwarding a step in his room.

I have never been in any boy's room other than my brother which doesn't count. Once I was in Chase's room but I was drunk and couldn't remember anything.

After a minute he came with a shirt and shorts and handed it to me.

" This will work. I have called the room service the food will be here in half an hour. "
He said without a pinch of emotion in his voice. Before coming here he was alright now he was back to his grumpy self.

Why do  even I care? Let him all he wants to be. It doesn't affect me.
I mentally scolded myself for thinking of asking him about his sudden behavior.

After hesitantly taking the clothes I came back to my room and took a shower. First I was thinking in sleeping in bathrobe rather than talking to Chase about the clothes but it would feel very uncomfortable .

My phone was still in charge and I had nothing to do to kill the time. Talking to Chase was out of question, I had always preferred ignoring him and above all that he always spoils my mood so it was a big No.

Peeking out of my room I saw that he was still locked up in his room and I could watch a TV, something refreshing to do in this unnatural silence.

I quickly switched it on and logged in Netflix. After surfing for a minute I settled on a Castlevania. After fifteen minutes into the series the doorbell rang. It was the room service, I thanked him for the food and closed the door. Now the bigger problem was how to inform Chase.

What was he doing in the room ?
It was pure silence, he wasn't talking to anyone. Was he sleeping?

Walking to his door I placed my head on it to listen for anything to get why was he locked in for so many hours.

As in cue he pulled the door open and I fell on him in the way  knocking my nose on his hard chest.

Damn his body!

A chuckle left his mouth and his hands surrounded my waist balancing my body on him.  As quickly as possible I steadied myself at a distance from him.

" Were you sneaking on me princess? Thats a bad thing. "
Looked like cocky Chase was back.

" I - I wasn't doing such. Food is here. "
Before he could pull the conversation further I dismissed it and came back to where food was. I was hungry, if he had no interest in foods he could go back in his closet.

I served myself without waiting for him. There was steak, Taco salad, fried chicken , cornbread and cheesecake. Before I could put a piece of fried chicken in my mouth  Chase snatched the plate from me and started eating from it.

What a gentleman!

" Chase. "
I threw him a glare.

" What? Can't I have my food. And thanks for serving. "
Giving his - oh so sweet - smile he grabbed the remote and changed the program.

" I was watching Castlevania. "
With a groan I grabbed the pillow from back and clutched it in my hands imagining his neck.

" Nonsense. Watch something that have some sense in it. "
He said like I was a child and watching the dumbest thing made ever.

" But I like it. I like watching animated series. "
I defended. He ignored my words and clicked on THE DARK series. I had already seen it and I had to see it twice to understand the timeline and all the things happening there.

I tried to snatched the remote and was unsuccessful in it. He placed  his plate on the table and started eating without a care that  I was even there.

When he was grossed in watching and eating I successfully snatched back the remote and again put on the Castlevania. I knew he was glaring me but I could care less of what he was thinking.

" Cindrella give it back. I won't repeat it again. "
I ignored him just like he had done it earlier and settled freely, crossing my leg on the sofa. All of sudden he grabbed my leg and pulled towards him making me shriek in fear of falling.

He tried to snatch it but I hid behind my back.

" No. I won't give it to you. First you took my plate and now you won't let me see the series. "

He huffed and grabbed my hand behind my back  pulling me to him, making me flush to his chest.

" So stubborn. "
He was too close and I was trapped.
Congratulations to me doing something without thinking. He whispered the words against my lips. Every other time when we were close his eyes were blank but now his eyes were happy? He had a smile on his lips. Whenever we had interaction either he had threatened me or punished me but today he was totally opposite of what I had seen him before. He was teasing me but he was playful and not was the brooding Chase I saw in school.

For few hours when he was locked he was back to his cold behaviour but now he was relaxed and calm. I looked to his lips which had a smile, a rare sight to watch.

" So tempting, isn't it? "
He whispered.

" What? "
Confused I looked back to his eyes which were already on my lips.

" Wanna kiss me? "
He asked.

" No. "
I answered but didn't look away from his lips which were advancing towards mine. I wanted to stop him but nothing came out from my mouth as if it was already sealed with his stare.

Finally when lips touched mine I closed my eyes feeling its warmth and smoothness. My consciences were screaming at me for what I was doing but I made no effort to stop rather I welcomed it. My breathing was irractic and my heart was beating furiously against my chest.

He pulled me more a close and his hands grabbed my neck tilting my head for better access. I complied in the daze of the sweetness of his lips.

I followed his action, how he moved his hands to my neck, how his lips danced , how his tongue invaded my mouth and how he pulled me close. I responded to him.  It was wrong I knew it. But it was so tempting. Just like he had said.

In his past kisses, he had always abused my lips unlike now , now it was sweet and -

I pulled back. What was I doing? I was kissing the person who had made my life hell. He had left no reason to not hate him and yet here, I was letting him kiss me. He was about to say something when I pushed him and ran to my room.

Closing the door I controlled my breath leaning on it. Just few days back he had humiliated me in front of everyone, even made a video and posted it. And now I was kissing him. What was in mind to do something like that.

The frantic knocking of him at my door made me more angry at myself.

" Cindrella, open the door. I want to talk. "
The tears which were yet to slide down made their ways to my cheeks. However I didn't open it. I threw myself on the bed and covered my ears with a pillow till he stopped his knocking.

I was disgusted but not with him, with me. How did I let it happen ?

Any book suggestions?

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