The Turmoil

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IT TASTED BITTER. The words set a turmoil in my heart and bones. That lame brain Sin ignored my question as if he never heard it. But I knew my voice was as clear as crystal. He walked a few steps but suddenly stopped and turned back to face me.

" What if I say yes. "
Sin said igniting something at the deepest part of my soul.
His face neutral and body straight. I didn't know if it was two sided. If Cindrella had feelings for him or he had for her. I didn't like either of the situation.

My hands were in fist, not liking his choice of words. But I kept my composure calm and collected.

" Then I would advise you to back away. "
A hint of confusion and then a lot irritation passed his eyes as my words settled in his mind. Before he could say any word or before I would lost my control I left him there.

Why would I say something like that? Why did it matter if they both are in some sort of relationship? I had never thought I, Chase Bruno would feel envious of someone and that too because of my own fucking cousin. He was all the things a girl would want in his partner. Polite, loving, humble, expressive but the main issue was that things didn't make me jealous of him, it was because of certain someone.

It was an irksome journey with Larissa hot on tail after me. She followed me everywhere like a lost puppy and I was a step away from pushing her from the train. If Chris would have not stopped me. She was as good as dead.

She was too clingy for my liking. Why can't be she like Cinderella? Cindrella was a sight for sore eyes, bare of any stroke of makeup and Larissa was layered with piles of cosmetics. And her awful strong perfume repulse me more than anything.

Putting on a joggers and a T-shirt after shower , sprayed some perfume and called the boys to cut time.

The two girls Aria and Larissa didn't have to come. I don't even know how I was bearing them till now.

" Now what? "
Elijah grunted plopping on the couch and Chris took seat beside him.

" Who ticked you off this early?"
Chris with a hint of amusement asked me.  Chris had a strong belief that I had feelings for Cindrella. What a joke!  I don't feel anything for her.

" Sincere. He has forgotten his place. He fucking annoys me. "
Pouring some beer on the glass I held close to my lips but didn't take a sip. Contemplating if drinking this early would make up my mind or it would worsen the situation.

" He didn't  do anything. Nothing apart from fooling around with Cindrella. "
Elijah reasoned. Although sometimes I feel like why I was friends with him but then again he complies with my word without questioning. So it was even.

" That's what I don't want. I don't want anyone to be friends with her. "

" Chase , its not on our hands if they want to be friends or not. "
Chris always had a way with words or his mind worked differently.
" And we have done enough with her. Don't you think its time we should live her alone. "
He had always protested and had tried to me stop whenever I planned something against Cindrella. But at the end it was always ride or die with me.

But this I was hell bent on separating the duo.

" Fine I will leave her alone. "
I knew what I had to do and it was simple I didn't  need their help. Our noisy classmates would do that for me.

" When are we leaving for museum? "
I didn't know the schedule as I had no plan to come. The only reason I came here  for was  one floor down. Room no.  303.

" At 2. I guess. We have enough time to chill. "
Elijah said turning on the TV.

I had booked myself a presidential suit while others resided on the room assign to them. They had to share the room and I couldn't put my privacy on stake. I was extremely conscious when it concerned my personal space.

Chris and Elijah took their leave saying the girls needed their help in something, leaving me alone in my thoughts. Good. Now I could think rationally.

Why she has so much effect on me?

Why she always has to go against me?

Why she always has to do something which infuriates me to no end?

If she had complied to my words I would have not bothered her about Sincere.

Or  would  I have?

The times I had kissed her were the ones I  would never trade it for anything. I know she hates me. It was clear in her eyes. She never kissed me back but I always expect her to reciprocate with same passion , always eager for her simple touch, always want her to look at me like I look at her.

Her stubbornness of restricting my kiss make me kiss her ten time harder.

* * * *

" Chasey why are you looking so tired? Did you not sleep well? Can I help with something?"
Larrissa rubbed her hands on my arm . I couldn't hide the disgust and on noticing my reaction she retracted but kept following me .

" If you stop disturbing him he will be at peace. "
Elijah joked. However it was the truth.

" Shutup Eli. No one asked you. "
She glared Elijah who shrugged his shoulders as if saying ' Your loss, I warned you' .

We got on the bus which would take us to the museum. If not for her I would never sit on this conjusted bus. And where the hell was she? It was 10 minutes  already and she was nowhere to be seen.

" You both are such a couple goals. "
A familiar voice. Ellis, her friend commented on Cindrella and Sincere as they were holding hands, talking and giggling like a fucking couple in a garden.

The sight stung my eyes.

The way she blushed when Sin whispered something to her ears made my blood boil.

They scanned the place for free seats . And settled on two seats  in the front across me. Dissapointed laced me because I had to share the seat with Lame Larrissa.

Cindrella for a pulse of second saw me but chose to ignore. Not for long though. Sin scooped her in his arms and placed her on the window seat. They were taking it too far.

I took a long breath to calm myself down. It was just first day and I was already loosing it.

" Chasey you are glaring Sin and Cindrella for a minute. I know she is annoying. How does your brother endure her? I think he feels sorry for her as she has no friends. But who would want a such a slut of frie...."
Before she could complete her sentence I cut her off with a glare.

" Another word about her from your bitchy mouth and I will make sure you won't be able to talk for the rest of your life. "
Chris unclasped my hand from her arm which I unknowingly had grabbed.

" Chase. "
He gave a nod to Larissa and sent her to sit with Aria.

We got off the bus when a teacher announced we have arrived. All the way from the hotel to museum my eyes were on them. Thankfully they didn't do anything more than talking. She kept to herself while Sin had headphones in.

" Students we have divided you all in groups. The students are divided on the alphabetical order to avoid any complications. Please cooperate with teachers. "
Mr. Robert call the names of the students dividing them with a teacher.

All students groaned as they had to leave their circle. Except me. This was bonus for me. I scanned the crowd of students to land my eyes on a particular face  and smirked, satisfied with her reaction.

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