The Set up

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I prayed that teachers would not put both of us in the same group but to my dismay we were in the same group along with Chris and two other girls.

With a glance at Chase who was already staring me with the sly grin I could say he was happy that now he had another chance to bully me. After dividing us in groups we all scattered in our ways. Ell was busy in taking pictures of the beautiful statues and marvelous paintings of medieval history.

" Why you have that look on your face like someone has stolen your pinky."
Now it was necessary to put filter in Ell's mouth. She never looks where she is before opening her mouth.

" Ell. "
I scowled.
Snickering of someone could be heard behind us, which I knew who the person was. Fumbling in the bag I took out my camera and started taking pictures  of the antics for my journal.

However all the time I could feel his penetrating eyes on me.

Chris and Ell mingled up as long lost friends. The other two girls were in there own world, didn't care for others. Left were Chase and me.

" Avoiding me princess? "
The slight brush of his front on my back was enough for goosebumps to appear on my skin. As usual I ignored him for my sake. He wanted a reaction out of me, just so he could satisfy his ego.

" How cute. Now care to answer why are you going against my words ?"
His demeanor changed in a matter of seconds. I didn't know how he could be playful in one minute and then literal devil next. I avoided his gaze and kept walking ahead of him.

" Cindy, See. This is so beautiful. "
Ell pointed, showing me a picture . Indeed, it was beautiful. A painting of mother saving her beautiful daughter from the cruel society. 

Ell jogged from one picture to another, couldn't keep her kid self in. Atleast someone was happy here.

" Don't you dare touch me!! "
I, right away unlatched my hands from him. He pushed me to the long lane of statues far away from others.

The squinted eyes of him were dead set on me, scanning my form. I did the same.

No matter what he had on him, he always looked handsome. The T-shirt enhancing his muscles very well. He could even be in a rag and still could beat anyone with his looks.

" Wanna remind you something. "
With his forwarding steps his stare burned me, causing my steps to take the back steps.

" And above that how dare you to avoid me for a whole fucking week. "

" You don't need to remind anything.  I chose to not listen to you. "

" Good. You added another reason on my list  to not spare you this time. I warned yet you chose to defy me now , its time to face me. "
Something beat irractically against my ears.  My heartbeat. I could hear it.

I knew if he had said , he would do anything without a second thought to make me regret of my decisions.

As soon as my back hit the wall ,his arms caged my body and his eyes caged my soul.  The statues hiding us from everyone. The flicker of his eyes between my lips and eyes made me squirm to the wall.

" You can't govern my life Chase. "
Fed up with myself for not fighting him and with him for always sticking his nose in my business. I retorted.

" I can. You  don't even know what I am capable of doing princess. You are mine so I have every right to govern your life. Your every steps are mine to choose the direction to where it should lead. Your every breath is mine. "

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