Grief Isn't Linear

Start from the beginning

"Not until I talk to her first!" I turned on my heels and headed back up the stairs, leaving George behind.

He called after me, "That's okay! Fred and I don't need any help taking down the fort!"

"You two built it on your own," I stuck my head over the railing, "So you should have no problem getting it down on your own."

Now he was rolling his eyes before turning around and heading back down the stairs, "Don't forget we have to pack to go to Sirius' place!"

Swinging myself off the rails, I started heading towards the bathroom again and called over my shoulder, "Will do. Thanks, George!"

When I made it to the bathroom door, I took a deep breath to try and gain my composure as my excitement built up.

"Okay," I whispered to myself before knocking, "It's me!"

"Come in!" Angie's yell muffled behind the wooden door.

After entering the bathroom, I saw Angelina brushing her teeth at the sink.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," she sang with the toothbrush still in her mouth. This was actually normal for us, seeing as how we were roommates that had to share a bathroom for the last six years. So, over time, we learnt to decode each other's sentences when we did things like this.

I leaned back against the door, hands still on the doorknob behind me. My lips pressed tightly into a thin line to contain my smile.

Angelina looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw all the anticipation sparkling off my eyes, "What is it?"

"Fred and I kissed last night!" I blurted out, finally letting my big grin reveal itself.

Her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets before she snatched her toothbrush out of her mouth and spit the rest of the toothpaste into the sink. Turning quickly to look at me with the paste still running down her chin, she shouted, "You what?!"

With my unrestrained smile, I repeated, "He kissed me!"

"Hold on," she held up a finger before turning to rinse her mouth out. When finished, she looked at me again and stammered, "You-He- what? Oh my gosh!"

Suddenly, she squealed and hugged me tightly, "I can't believe it!—Well, I can believe it—but still! This is actually happening for you guys!"

Feeling all giddy, I squealed with her and hugged back, "Oh, Angie, it was amazing! I wish I could go back in time and relive it."

"He's that good, huh?" She grinned as she pulled away from me.

My cheeks burned and felt like they were about to fall off from how much I was smiling, "He's exceptional."

"Ohhh," Angie cooed. With excitement threatening to burst out of her, she started rapidly firing questions at me, "How did it happen? When did it happen? Was it last night? Oh, stupid question. Of course, it was last night. Was there tongue? Tell me everything!"

Laughing at her eagerness, I recounted every little detail to her.

She listened intently, hanging on every single one of those details. Once the story ended, her bottom lip poked out, "Awe, that's so adorable! Who knew Fred had that side to him."

Merrily, I squinted one eye and shrugged, "I mean, I kind of had an inkling."

"You guys are so cute!"

A naughty question popped into my mind as the corner of my mouth turned up, "So, do you think Fred and George are identical in every way?"

An audible gasp escaped Angelina as her jaw dropped, "Charlotte Hodges!"

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now