Chapter 14: Consultations

Start from the beginning

The secret was that long ago... Walter and Noah were once best friends.

The two's parents were very close and made them have play dates, where both of them would have many adventures and so much fun. Walter wasn't as known in Verna Hill Elementary as much as Noah was. The kid was smart and kind while Walter was cocky and impulsive. They were opposites but like they say; opposites attract. However, this all stopped as soon as middle school started. Walter stopped hanging out with Noah and soon met more fiendish children who would insult the opposites, and harm the weak.

Including Noah. He was one of their main targets before Cole and his new friends came into the picture. Seeing that someone was defending the puny nerd, Walter made it his duty to make their lives a living hell for them. Some days he would just taunt them while others days he would push them around, and even land hard blows on Cole or even the other boys. It was indeed terrible but after all those years of torment it all stopped the day all five of those boys disappeared. Plus Noah. Although that was a long time ago, Walter believed that Noah was still holding this vendetta over his head like an umbrella in a rainstorm.

"Well maybe I could go and observe his content for a while." The large angel suggests with a hesitant smile. "I could easily sneak in on him while he's being... evil?"

Perillia scoffs at her brother's offer in annoyance. "You wouldn't last a second pretending to be a spy, dear Phill." She mocks. "Leave it to the professionals, okay? I'll do it. He won't even know that I'm in the same room as him."

"Perillia there's no need to be rude." Tabitha tells the younger spirit. "At least they want to help. Just give them a chance."

"Oh yeah, like how they wanted to help me into a dimension of distraught and PERIL!" She yells, parts of her snowflake shaded hair turning a pitch black. "Instead of helping me out, they left me there for over a millennium!"

"I only did that because you were out of control. I had no clue how to cure you." Phillippio retorts respectively. "Once I did you were already gone, reading havoc amongst other worlds." They tell their younger sibling.

This was confused Tabitha. If they had managed to figure out how to save their sister, why did they send her to do so instead of curing Perillia herself? It was all so perplexing that even Tabitha had to join in on the younger spirit's rant.

"Why did you send me then?" She asks the tall angel with a distraught expression on her face. "If you were able to figure out the solution; why did you get me to do it?"

Phillippio is taken aback by the Queen's reaction yet stayed silent. When she asked once more the same result happened. Instead of pushing the subject any further, Tabitha just blows the question off and continues with the other situation at hand. Priscilla thought it best to send Phillippio to watch Noah along with two other people to join them on their mission.

"I'll come." Walter offers which shocked everyone. "There's no telling what the 'Big Guy' will get himself into while out and about." He says with a flirtatious wink to the the immortal being. "So yeah, I'll come. I've managed to get the hang of my powers and I haven't had a blood shortage in almost a week, so I should be good, right Cole?"

Everyone glances at the King for a moment as he thought of the decision. He looks over to Tabitha then to Priscilla.

"It's your call, your majesty." The older vampire says calmly. "He has been under your watch and guidance after all."

Cole gazes at Walter for a moment before sighing heavily in response. "Fine but I want my brother to go with you." He says while looking over to Yugataro who nods firmly at his request. "He'll be able to protect the both of you if any trouble arises."

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