21: Heat pt2 🔞

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Hoseok has never dealt with a heat before never touched a hybrid before Yoongi, but he's determined to get this right. Heat compels hybrids to mate and not fulfilling their desires can be painful. He doesn't want his friend, his new pet, to be uncomfortable. "I noticed you were overheating, but I just thought you were getting sick again I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier."  Hoseok apologies rubbing his arms up and down Yoongi's back over the towel. He pulls his head back and Hoseok tries to get the hybrid to look at him. At first, Yoongi doesn't budge. Hoseok moves the towel a little, tenderly planting light kisses on his shoulder and running the tip of his nose along smooth skin until he gets to the hybrid's neck, where he places more kisses on the damp flesh. The hybrid lets out a breathy sigh and pulls back keeping his head lowered submissively. Eyes closed, hands gripping onto Hoseok's shoulders tightly. "It's okay. What's wrong?" Hoseok asks keeping his voice light. Yoongi is stiff and his lack of movement makes Hoseok wonder if he should start this. Instead thinking maybe he should just let the hybrid take care of himself. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want this to happen one day, but if needs to wait he won't mind.


"Was just trying to take care of it myself, didn't want to bother you."  Yoongi mumbles, his voice quiet and subdued. "It's okay, I want to do this you're not a bother at all."  Hoseok gives him a hug reassuring him this is all fine. "Are — you going to start?" Yoongi asks nervously.
"Tell me what you want, this is all for you I want to ease your pain, if you don't want anything we can just sit here it's ok" Hoseok looks directly into Yoongi's face and he finally glances up, and immediately back down. "I — I've never-not with someone." Yoongi mumbles. Which Hoseok finds endearing, watching the hybrid admit his secret virginity with a blush on his pretty cheekbones. He never thought the strong-willed hybrid would turn so docile, but this must be what he meant when he said he wanted to be a 'pet' and wanted to be taken care of.


Hoseok wants to take care of him not only in every way he had been before but in this as well.  "Alright, just relax we don't have to go fast, everything at your pace." Hoseok smooths his hands down Yoongi's back and to his thighs massaging them and working his way to the hybrid's nice butt. Yoongi closes his eyes and sighs again. Lips just barely open as he lets out little puffs of warm air.


Hoseok watches his face closely, getting a feel for what he likes. He's gotten good at reading his face and uses that to judge his own pace. Leaning in he keeps lightly grasping at Yoongi's thighs noticing how hot the hybrid's temperate is as he then begins exploring exposed skin with his lips. He kisses the hybrid's other shoulder and works his way to his neck, the towel falling to the floor. Yoongi tilts his head away letting Hoseok have full access and showing off his pretty collarbones. He gently presses his lips to where his shoulder meets his neck and sucks ever so lightly on the hybrid's skin. Yoongi mewls a soft noise and Hoseok feels the hybrid's entire body shiver.


His pet has been in heat all this time. Hiding himself and taking care of it the best he could in the shower. But Hoseok can tell it wasn't enough because the hybrid feels desperate in his hands, body over sensitive to every touch. Hoseok grips each of Yoongi's plush cheeks then pulls them apart as he sucks harder on the hybrid's neck. The high whimper he coaxes out goes straight to his cock which has begun to plump up responding to the beautiful boy he has in his arms. He keeps kneading the supple flesh, pushing and pulling his perky little butt apart. Going so far as to ghost a finger close to his entrance, but not yet touching. Teasing even though Yoongi is already on edge.


Yoongi slumps forward breaking his neck away from Hoseok's mouth. Resting his forehead on Hoseok's shoulder and one hand clutching at his shirt. He shivers and sighs when Hoseok lets off his butt rubbing the underside of it before giving it a rough squeeze. "Tell me if I'm going too fast, alright?" Hoseok whispers feeling Yoongi's heart racing through their chests. The hybrid nods his head, not too lost yet to his heat.


Moving one hand to Yoongi's inner thigh, runs his thumb along the soft flesh, reveling in the fact that no one else has had the pleasure of touching him. His skin pure and untainted by anyone. Hoseok never thought of that being important before, but right now in this moment, he's just incredibly happy that he's the first one to get to do anything to the hybrid. The one who will deflower him with love and pleasure him in his time of need and most importantly the person who will be there with him to comfort him when his body finally cools down. When he's done admiring the hybrid's smooth thighs and letting him rest for a moment. He skims his hand along the flesh until he just barely touches the side of Yoongi's cock.


He hesitates for a moment pressing firmly from the side, letting the hybrid know exactly where he is. Letting him back away if it's too much too soon, but Yoongi doesn't back off. Yoongi opens his mouth panting into his shoulder. Hoseok uses just one finger to touch Yoongi, dragging it up his shaft, the precum he's been leaking making it glide along, causing more cute whimpering noises to fall from his panting lips.  Hoseok circles the head, feeling the heat from the engorged tip as he spreads the precum across it.


He wishes he could see it glistening in the light, plump head showing how much the hybrid is enjoying himself. Kissing the side of Yoongi's head, he lets his finger keep playing. Feeling as the hybrid twitches and trembles when he touches different spots, categorizing them all for later. Yoongi's body is hot in his hands. Flesh on fire as he adds a few more fingers skimming them along the shaft. Hoseok feels the hybrid's cock jolt and jerk. Bouncing as he gently rubs down over his balls and backs up. "Does your heat take multiple rounds to sate?"  Hoseok asks, circling his hand around Yoongi's whole cock, completely engulfed by his strong fingers. 

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