13: Question ❔️

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He keeps rubbing over the hybrid's ears, feeling the smooth fur, as he continues reading the notebook. Against his chest, he is surprised to feel the hybrid fidget and glances down because he hasn't started purring. Which he has become comfortable enough to do, to the point of starting almost immediately when they would cuddle together. As if reading his mind, knowing he was about to question him, Yoongi speaks but doesn't look at him. "Have I been good for you?" He says, his voice sounding small. Hoseok wouldn't have heard him if he hadn't already been paying attention to him. He pauses a moment to think, putting down the notebook onto Yoongi's back and wrapping his other arm around him in a tight hug.  "I know you're smart enough to have deduced that. Now why the silly question when you already know the answer is yes?"


"I —."  Yoongi shifts around as if to try and get up, but Hoseok doesn't let him out of his hold and eventually, the hybrid stops, giving out a sigh.  "I never told you about my parents."  The hybrid nuzzles his face into Hoseok's chest, seeking comfort. "Yoongi, hey, you don't need to tell me anything you don't want to." Hoseok tries to quickly reassure the hybrid, knowing that if he ran away there must have been a good reason. Though he didn't expect the hybrid to have 'parents' instead believing up until now that he had run away from an 'owner '. "No. I want to tell you. It's not what you think."  Yoongi finally looks up placing his chin on Hoseok's chest, their faces close. The hybrid's eyes serious and determined. "Alright,"  Hoseok says, staring back into his eyes with care and affection.


"I know that I was grown in a lab. All of my kind are since breeding hybrids together has only just become legal for show hybrids who win medals, but unlike what you might think, I wasn't raised by a personal hybrid breeder or by those who bought me. I was taken from a lab as a baby by an underground organization that believes that hybrids should either have just as many rights as humans or that we shouldn't exist at all. They seek to shut down the whole thing, but hybrid breeding is big business and legislation has not gone their way. Instead, they have been stealing high value hybrids for many years and I was one of those." They both lay there breathing, Yoongi pausing as Hoseok processes the new information.

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