15: Back story pt2 📖

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Before Hoseok can say anything he's already talking again, almost using words to run away and hoping that by talking more maybe Hoseok won't talk at all.  "I was told my whole life not to give into the hybrid stereotypes of being submissive, wanting to please others, to enjoy the company of my owner, and doing everything they tell me. I was supposed to be independent."  Yoongi's voice is louder now and is getting a slightly hysteric tone to it like he wants to cry or have a panic attack.  "But I like being washed and — and groomed and petted and fed. I don't know if it's just in my nature or — or — or my DNA but it's what I want, my family would have been ashamed of me, so I ran away. They had high hopes for me and I let them down."  Yoongi starts fighting the hold Hoseok has on him, pushing against his chest, his face becoming stricken now that he's out of things to say. His instincts pushing him to run.   "No Yoongi, they let you down," Hoseok states, holding onto the struggling hybrid, his friend, the person who has been changing everything for the better for him. "They saw you as something they could use to try to change others, but they didn't consider your feelings."


Yoongi still tries to get away, pushing rougher, kicking his legs out but he looks into Hoseok's eyes searching them for who knows what. Answers? maybe deception?  "They didn't ask you to be a tool for them, they just tried to sharpen you into a weapon without you realizing it and that's not who you are,"  Hoseok says with confidence and complete certainty. Yoongi freezes and Hoseok thinks back to the first time he met the hybrid when they had laid like this in the dark alleyway. Silence as they breathe together, Hoseok once again feels Yoongi's heart beating wildly against his chest just like it had that night.  "You are the most unique person I have ever met." Hoseok finally says and loosens his grip when he feels Yoongi stop fighting against him.  "I think you need to be who you are and never compromise that to others because others will certainly not change for you, find those who will let you be who you are and never let them go."  The hybrid stays silent but calms enough to lay down, head resting on Hoseok's broad chest. He gives the hybrid a squeeze and brings one hand up to once again pet through his hair and scratch his ears. They stay lying together like this and Hoseok attempts to understand the situation better, his brain working overtime.

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