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Lia stood, watching Nat cradle AJ, Bruce sat next to her, with his arm around the back of the couch. Her heart swelled, knowing how much of a great mom, Nat would make.

She caught Wandas eye, then looked at Loki, nodding. She stepped out of Steve's arms, clearing her throat... 'So, I know you're all happy to have a new Avenger to the team..'.. She nods at AJ, and the others chuckle... 'But there is something I want to do, for Nat..'

She saw the redhead frown at her, wondering what was going on. Lia stepped forward, grinning... 'I can make you whole again..'

'What?'... Nat was stunned. She carefully handed AJ to Bruce, and stood... 'You can..'.. She took a shaky breath, not sure if Lia was saying, what she thought she was saying.

Lia walked closer, taking Nats hands in hers, smiling at her friend... 'Its taken a while, but combining Stark and Wakandan technology, as well as Asgardian magic, with the Mystic arts, yeah, I can give you back what was taken from you. It will be painful, but I can help to ease that for you too...'

Nat threw her arms around Lia, unable to say anything as she cried. After her graduation ceremony in the red room, she never wanted anything more, that to have her own family. They had taken it from her, and so much more, but here she was, surrounded by people who love her, and a friend, a sister, who could give her, her life back.

Lia pulled back, wiping Nats tears away... 'There's more..'.. He eyes flicked to Bruce on the couch... 'With the DNA samples you gave me, I have been able to manipulate genomes, that are bonded to your DNA. I can heal Nat, and the two of you can have your own, when your ready. Granted it will be IVF, but I can alter your nucleotides, so the Hulk gene, will not be passed on..'

'Yo-you can do that?..'.. Bruce asks, surprised.

'I'm a Stark..'.. Lia smirked to her brother... 'There's nothing I can't do. Besides, I spent a lot of time playing about in Shuris lab, and up in the medical ward in Asgard with their healers..'

'Who I'm sure complained to my mother more than once that you were pestering them..'.. Loki chuckled, on the other couch. She flipped him off, looking back at Nat and Bruce.

'This is an option for you both. Whatever you want, whenever you are ready..'.. She gave Nats hands a squeeze.

'Why doesn't it surprise me you can do that?'... Lia looked back at Tony, seeing him smile, shaking his head.

'There's not much I can't do..'.. She walked to the couch, and held her armr out... 'Now, give me my baby, I want cuddles..'... Bruce chuckled at her and slid across the couch, to place AJ in her arms.


*1 year later*

'Seriously Tony?'... Lia stood staring at the huge bouncy castle and slice, that was set up on the lawn of the compound. She turned to scowl at her brother, her hands on her hips... 'He's one. He's not old enough for this yet..'.. Lia pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to take a calm breath. She knew her brother meant well, but he was always going overboard.

'Relax, it's not for AJ. It's for the adults, we are allowed to have some fun, right?'... Lia looked at her brother and then at the castle and slide. She shook her head, turning to walk back inside.

'If any of you break a bone or something, I ain't healing you. And no drinking on them either. This is AJs party, not yours..'.. Sometimes she could just throttle Tony. This wasn't the first time, he overdid it, and she knew it wouldn't be the last.

She walked down the hallways, towards the main room. She could hear laughter and chatter, knowing the whole family was there. She thought back to the day she had first met the Avengers, and she couldn't help but chuckle.

Stopping at the doorway, Lia leaned against the frame, folding her arms as she watched them all. Pietro was sat on the floor, his legs open as he held his hands out to AJ, encouraging him to walk. Bucky was sat opposite in the same position, holding onto AJ, as he took wobbly steps.

Nat was tucked into Bruce on a couch, her hand on her small bump, looming like a goddess. Wanda and vision on the other end, both asgardians stood cheering for AJ, while Sam was mimicking race commentary. Pepper, Helen, Ellie, Sarah and Grace were in the kitchen taking care of the party food.

Lia sighed contentedly, watching them all. She never thought she'd ever have this, a family, but here she was, surrounded by the best people she had ever met.

She felt arms snake around her waist, as a kiss was placed on the side of her head... 'You know, we could sneak away, I doubt they'd notice..'

Lia turned, placing her hands behind his neck, swing up at him... 'Not a chance Captain, its our sons birthday, and he is getting all of my attention today, until he goes to bed...'

Steve smiled down at her, placing a kiss to her lips. He slapped her ass, causing her to yelp, and he walked away from her, over to the others.

'Tease!..'.. She growled at him, knowing he would hear her. He turned back to look at her, and winked. Lia rolled her eyes smiling as she headed over to the kitchen... 'So ladies, there must be something in the water right?..'.. She looked at each of them in turn, smirking.

'What do you mean?..'... Pepper asks her, confused. She plated up cupcakes, licking a bit of frosting off her thumb.

'You, Ellie, and Wanda..'... Lia grinned, and dropped her hands to her stomach, giving them a pointed look.

It took Pepper a moment to realise what Lia was saying... 'No, are you serious?'

'I can feel it Pep. Besides, when have I ever been wrong..'.. Lia winked at Pepper and Ellie, seeing their stunned faces. She turned to look at Wanda on the couch, knowing that the little witch had no clue yet.

Lia turned back, seeing Pepper drop her tea towel and run out of the room, knowing exactly where she was going. She linked her arm with Ellie, and portalled them to her and Buckys room... 'I'll drop a test to you in a moment, and I'll send him in to you. Before you say anything..'... She raised her hand, knowing what Ellie was going to say... 'He will be over the moon happy..'

Ellie didn't know what to say, she hugged Lia, grinning from ear to ear... 'Are you sure it's ok, that I tell him today?'

'Absolutely. Best present for AJ, lots of new cousins for him to grow up with...'.. Lia gave her a huh, and portals to her room to grab a test for Ellie, handing it to her, before it closed. She pulled out her phone, and sent a quick text to Steve.

Grinning, she left her room and headed back to the others.

'Hey Buckabaloo..'.. She sees him turn, raising an eyebrow at her... 'Ellie needs your help with something in your room..'

She saw confusion on his face, but he got up from the floor and headed out of the room. Seeing her Captain, she winked at him, and he smiled back.

Steve was thrilled for his best friend, knowing he would make a great dad. He saw Tony and Pepper walk in, and the billionaire looked nervous. Steve chuckled, seeing him fuss over Pepper.

Steve walked over to Lia, wrapping his arms around her, and they both stood there, watching their family... 'Anyone else pregnant?'... He whispered low enough, that she heard him.

'Only those four, but don't worry Captain, we can keep practicing. AJ won't be an only child..'... He saw the mischievous gleam in her eye, and kissed her head. Both turned, hearing cheers, and seeing AJ take his first unaided steps.


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