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Lia put her comm back in, listening to the team, as they sweep for stragglers and any more of Ultrons bots. It didn't take long, before she head Cap give her the all clear.

Turning to Vision, she nods at him and he flies off, leaving her alone... 'Are you all on the boats?'... She asks, her heart pounding. One by one, she hears them call out, that they are. She takes a deep breath, putting her hands to the core.

'Why is Vision, not with you?..'... She hears Tony panic... 'No, get off of me, let me go..'.. She hears Tony, and tears begin to fall.

'I'm sorry Tony...'... She uses her power to manipulate the core, and make it explode. It throws her back, as the city is ripped apart. She could hear her brother screaming in hear ear, as she falls, and hits a large chunk, knocking her out.


Tony watches as the city explodes, fighting to get free of Vision, but the android has him held tight... 'NO! Let me go! Friday, scan for her!..'.. He manages to break free, flying through the the rocks and debris as they fall. He had to find, she had to be alive.

'Rhodey, Wilson, Thor! Help me look, we have to find her!'... Tony calls out as he dodges and weaves through it all. He couldn't lose her, she was all he had left.

'Boss, to your right, she's falling 800ft, and dropping. I'm sorry boss, no signs of life..'...

Hearing Friday, he turned and flew as fast as he could to her, catching her before they hit the water. He continued to weave through the last of the rocks, and up to the helicarrier.

He landed, and was met with the team. Bucky quickly took her from him, and he dropped to his knees, his mask flipping up as Barnes ran inside with her.

'Tony? Tony, we have to get inside now. She needs you, come on..'...He heard Rogers speak, and felt himself get pulled to his feet. The team all rushed in, heading to the med bay.

Many who were injured were being attended to, in many different rooms. Nat, Clint, Sam, Bruce and the twins were helping as best as they could with the civilians. Tony took no notice, heading through the crowd of people.

'Stark..'... He looked up, seeing Fury standing outside a room. He headed over, and saw doctors working on his sister. They were doing compressions, in-between shocking her.

'Charging 200, clear..'... One of the doctors call, and everyone steps back as she's shocked again... 'Still no pulse. Charge 250..'

Tony watched as they worked, silently praying and begging for her to come back. He turned, and stumbled down the hallway, looking for an empty room. He didn't want to be there when they called it. Finding a quiet place, he entered the room, not caring where he was and sank to the floor, leaning against the wall. He let his grief take over and he sobbed. She was gone, and he was alone.


Steve stood outside the room with Bucky and Fury, watching. He saw Tony stumble away, and he wanted to go after his friend, but he couldn't move.

'Damn it Jones..'.. He heard Fury mutter. Steve turned, frowing at the director, seeing how he was watching the scene in the room.

'You know her?'... He asks, dreading the answer.

'Yeah, yeah I know her..'.. Fury sighs, rubbing a hand over his face... 'One of my best damn agents. What the hell happened Captain? She wouldn't give up so easily..'... He turned to Steve, hips hands on his hips... 'She was coming to the tower, and within days she's given up, why?'

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