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Lia checked her suit, and batons, while the others boarded the jet. She didn't look over at any of them, but could feel the tension radiating from them, especially the walking ice cube.

'So, where are we headed?..'.. She asks, taking some of Buckys knives, lifting one foot, and placing it on a seat, to slide them into her boots.

'You're not going anywhere until you tell us what Ultron was talking about. What secrets are you hiding?'... She slipped another knife into her other boot and turned to Cap, smirking at him. She began to pull her hair up, tying it into a ponytail.

'Aw frosty, it must kill you not to know. I tell you what..'.. She walked closer to him, not letting it show how much he was getting to her... 'You tell me one of yours, and I'll tell you one of mine, fair?'

Tony watched as his sister faced off with Rogers. Barton had gone to the front of the jet to pilot, but he could swear he saw the archer smirk as he passed.

Tony looked back to the two of them,  seeing them stare each other down. Cap gave in, and stepped back, hugging out a breath. He couldn't help but smirk, Romanoff was right, Cap definitely wanted his sister.

'There's a salvage yard, off the African coast. We're looking for someone, Ulysses Klaue. He's-..'.. Bruce began to tell her.

'I know who he is..'... Lia growled out at his name. Damn that asshole. She hated that he was still alive and breathing. She would wait until she was alone, before sending another message.

'How would you know who he is?'... Tony asked, confused. As far as he knew, his sister wasn't involved in anything other than her businesses.

'We'll get into all of that, after we stop Ultron..'.. She sighed, shaking her head. She knew she'd have to tell Tony one day.

'This one of your secrets? Is that who you're working for?'... Lia ignored Capsicle and headed to the front of the jet to Clint. Once they were in the air, he had Jarvis take over, and turned to her.

She signed at him, and he understood, that she wanted to talk, but without the others knowing.

^Did you get it?^... She signed.

^I got it with me. I didn't read it, I wouldn't do that^

She smirked at him... ^Bet you were tempted though^

^I am, but I wouldn't read it. Why me?^

^Because I trust you the most. If anything happens, only you read it. You'll understand everything^... She smiled.

^Why do I get the feeling that this is a whole 'I'm going to die' kind of thing?^

She sighed, looking over at the others. She could see they were glancing over at the two of them. Except for Cap, he was just outright staring.

^It could be. There's things about me, that you all don't know, not even Tony. I need you to trust me on this. I know I haven't been with you guys long, but I would never do anything, to put any of you in danger. My life is nothing compared to all of yours^

Clint saw sadness flash in her eyes. He got out of the pilot seat, and pulled her in for a hug. He saw Nat looking over, giving him a small nod. Stepping back, he sighed.

^You should know, Nat understands sign too^

Lia looked over at Nat, signing to her...

^I need you to promise me, that no matter what happens, you protect Tony over me. The world needs him^

Nat stood, walking over and hugging her... 'I promise'... She whispered.

Lia stepped back, looking between the two of them...

^Nat reads it too. But please, don't let Tony get a hold of it, there's somethings he should never know^

She rolled her eyes, grinning at them. Clint and Nat chuckled, and he took the seat back st the controls.

'Now that you've all finished your hand waving, can we come up with a plan now?'... Lia sees Tony fold his arms, a looking of guilt on his face.


Tony was hesitant about Lia going ahead of them. She made the point that she could turn herself invisible, and sneak onto the ship. The team were following behind carefully, and she had kept them updated on her location, how many were aboard and what was on there.

'Guys, lights are out. Something is going on'... They heard her over their comms. Everyone remained silent, as to not give away their positions.

'I think he's here-..'... The heard her pause, and then speak a kittle louder... 'Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. But you're not safe with him, I can get you out of here..'

Tony didn't know who she was talking to, but he began to worry... 'Lia, who is it?'

'No, it's you who's not safe..'... They all heard a female voice, and then it cut out.

'Lia? Lia can you hear me?..'.. Tony whispered, as he made his way through the ship. He had to find her. If Ultron or anyone else had her, he was going to kill them.

'Guys, I think something is wrong..'.. Tony heard Romanoff. He, Thor and Rogers stayed close together, while the other two worked their way from the sides.

He heard Ultron ranting at Klaue, and moved closer.

'Stark, he's a sickness!'... He heard Ultron say.

'Ah junior..'.. He landed behind Ultron, as Rogers and Thor came to stand with him. He saw the twins, and guessed that the girl had gotten to his sister... 'You're gonna break your old man's heart'... He had to keep his cool, one wrong move and he'd lose her.

'If I have to..'.. Ultron faced Tony, as the twins took a stance behind him.

'Nobody had to break anything..'.. Thor said, watching them all.

'Clearly you never made an omelet..'.. Ultron takes a step forward.

'He beat me by one second..'.. Tony scoffed.

'Ah yes, funny. Mr Stark..'.. Pietro walked forward, smirking at Tony... 'Is what? Comfortable? Like old times?'

'This was never my life..'.. Tony sighed, feeling the guilt of what his weapons had done.

'It was never hers either, yet she paid the price of your fathers guilt'... The girl, Wanda said. Her words felt like a punch in Tonys gut.

'You two can still walk away from this. Just tell us where she is..'.. Rogers steps forward, looking at the twins.

'Oh we will..'.. Wanda smirked at the men opposite them... 'I've seen her fears, she'll choose us'

'I know you've suffered, but-..'.. Ultron interrupted Steve talking, audibly retching.

Ultron chuckles... 'Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. Her words..'.. Ultron stepped forward again... 'I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-..'

'If you believe in peace, then let us keep it..'.. Thor speaks up, his hand tightening on his hammer.

'I think you're confusing peace with quiet. Stark would know all about that..'.. Ultron looks to Tony... 'Its what you did to her..'

'What's the vibranium for?'... Tony needed to find her, and fast. It was clear, Ultron and the twins had a plan for her.

'I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan..'.. Ultron used a his hand, to pull Tony to him, and then blast him back.

Tony got up and went straight for Ultron. He was going to rip this metal can apart, and find his sister... 'Where is she!'... He shouted, hitting Ultron.


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