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Lia kicked Ultrons legs out from underneath him, and he falls onto his front. She saw him blast at the road in front of Nat, trying to cause her to crash, thankfully, Nat stopped herself.

'No one hurts my family!..'.. She wanted to use her power, but was already too weak. She fought as hard as she could, putting everything into each hit.

Ultron aimed at Capsicle again, and she used her power, to slam him to his back, taking another hit. She crashed back into a car, growling. She was getting very fucked off, with saving his ass.

She looked up, rage running wild through her, seeing Ultron look over. He waved his arm, and the ground in front of the car, ripped up, causing it to flip. She rolled, and ducked as another crashed right behind her. She ran forward, towards the truck, seeing Cap fighting with Ultron.

She head another car crash, and turned her head to see it sliding on its roof toward her. Jumping on it, she used it as a platform, to launch herself back onto the truck... 'Frosty, if I have to save your ass one more time, I'll kill you myself..'.. She growls out, catching his shield, and hitting Ultron with it. She flings it back to Cap, as the both continue to fight Ultron.

She hears the jet swing around above them, and fires at Ultron. The remaining bots inside the truck, fly out, chasing after Clint in the jet... 'Damn it Hawk!..'.. She turns, seeing Cap still fighting. Using this chance, she slides to the end of the truck, and drops inside.

Hearing a grunt behind her, she spins, seeing Nat land in the back of the truck... 'Can't keep away from ne, huh?'

Nat gets to her feet, and heads over to her... 'What can I say, absence makes the heart grow fonder..'.. She nods to the cradle... 'Any ideas?'

'Get it to Tony..'... Lia looks over the screen on the cradle... 'The upload matrix has paused at 86%, so we can undo all this, and take it apart..'

They felt the truck get lifted, and they both stumbled. Nat began to fall to the back of the truck. Lia used her power, securing a rope around Nat and pulled her back... 'I got you..'

'Negative. We're still in the truck. Just be ready, we're sending the package to you..'.. Nat said into her comm, as her and Lia work quickly to remove the straps, holding the cradle down... 'Uh, you might wish you hadn't asked that..'

Lia hears the amusement in Nats voice, and chuckles. She could guess what he said. Disconnecting the wires and cables, she gets ready with Nat, seeing Clint line up the jet to the back of the truck. The jet ramp opens, and Lia cuts the last of the straps, just as Nat places a device in the truck.

Lia uses her power to push the cradle out, as the two jump on it, holding on tight. They land in the back of the jet, and Lia falls off. She turns, seeing the explosion, just as one of the bots grabs Nats leg, dragging her out... 'NAT!..'... Lia and Clint both shout.

'Fuck! Damn it!..'.. Lia jumps to her feet, getting right to the edge of the ramp, looking out... 'I can't see her Clint!'... She calls out to him.

'Cap, you see Nat?'... She hears Clint up front... 'Do you have eyes on Nat?'

Lia feels the ramp move to close, and she steps back, rushing to the front, to Clint... 'Damn it!'... He growls out, as she straps in next to him.

'We'll find her, I promise..'.. She drops he head back against the seat, catching her breath. She was so drained, that she fell asleep instantly.

Clint was pissed. They had gotten Lia back, but now lost Nat. He threw the jet into hyper speed. The quicker they were back at the tower, the quicker they would find a way to track Nat.

Looking across to the woman next to him, he felt a sense of loss. He'd talk with her when they got back, make her see, that she had to tell Tony, that she was dying.


Once the train was stopped, Steve got out, and headed over to the twins... 'I just need a minute..'.. Pietro pants, catching his breath as he sat down on some crates.

'I'm very tempted not to give you one..'.. Steve says, watching the two of them as he walked closer.

'The cradle, did you get it? Did you find her?..'... Wanda asks Steve.

'Stark will take care of it, and yes, she's safe...'.. He saw Wandas eyes widen in fear.

'No, he won't..'.. She says, taking a step back.

'You don't know what you're talking about, Starks not crazy..'.. He tried to keep his tone even. He was angry with the two of them, for what they had done to his team.

'He will do anything, to make things right, to save her. He's just like his father..'.. She shakes her head at Steve... 'She's dying. She's afraid he'll do what his father did to her..'

Steve heart felt as though a knife was plunged into it. That's what she was hiding? She's dying? He felt consumed by guilt, for everything. Wanda was right, Tony would do anything, if he knew.

'Stark, come in..'.. He called out on his comm. He didn't hear anything... 'Stark? Anyone on comms?..'... He sighed.

'Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?..'.. He hears Wanda say.

Steve closed his eyes shaking his head. She was dying, and she had saved his life, more than once. She was still fighting, with them, on their side. He had to get back to the tower, and fast. He had to stop Tony, before he did something stupid.


Clint picked her up, and carried her out of the jet, as Tony and Bruce took the cradle. He headed to the med bay, placing her on a bed. She didn't have no visible injuries, and he didn't know how to use these other machines. Pulling the side rails up, and a blanket over her, he watched her sleep.

He reached out, moving her hair from her face... 'You have to tell him, he needs to know. They both do..'

'Who needs to know what?'... Clint turns, seeing Sam and Bucky at the door.

'Hill updated us when we got back. What the hell happened? Hill said she was taken. Is she ok?'... Bucky asks, coming around to the other side of the bed.

'Long story, fill you in later. But Ultron took her. Was going to use her to do something, we don't fully know yet. Can you two stay here, and watch over her? If he comes back, she needs to be protected..'... Clint sighs, stepping back. He stands at the end of the bed, watching her for a moment.

'No visible injuries, but we don't know if he has already done something to her. She doesn't remember either. The girl got in her head, and Ultron used the scepter...'... Clint shook his head... 'I don't know how to run tests but-..'

'I got it..'.. Sam says, patting his back... 'You go do the avenging stuff, we'll be her personal bodyguards. I'll let you know if I find anything..'

'Thanks guys..'.. Clint hesitated, them walked out of the med bay, up to the labs, to find out what they were doing.


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