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Fights began breaking out, between the Avengers, Klaues mercenaries and Ultrons bots. Steve didn't know what had happened to Lia, but the girl Wanda, had somehow gotten to her. Destroying one of the bots, he ran for the girl, but she had knocked him back with her power.

He groaned getting back up, seeing thst she had disappeared... 'Guys, keep a lookout for Lia. They got her. If you find her, knocking some sense into her, would you?'

'Really Cap? You know she could be invisible right?'... He heard Clint say down the comm.

Steve shook his head and took out the next bot while trying to avoid getting shot at, by Klaues men. The fighting continued, until he got knocked off his feet by the fast kid. He felt his head get dizzy, as images flashed through his mind.

He didn't understand as to where he was, but he saw some familiar faces around him. The hall was decked out, as music played. Everyone was dressed as though they were from the forties. He walked down the steps, seeing himself in his old uniform.

It all felt so familiar, yet not real. He kept walking, so confused as to what was going on. He felt someone touch his arm and he turned, seeing Peggy standing there, smiling at him.

'Are you ready for our dance?'... She asked. Steve couldn't believe it, she was there, and she looked so beautiful.

He frowned, looking around again. This wasn't real, it couldn't be real. People were dancing and laughing, as he watched them.

'The war is over, Steve..'.. He turned back to Peggy, seeing her smile hopefully at him... 'We can go home. Imagine it'

'I'll never be good enough, will I?'...Steve spun around, seeing the hall empty, except for Lia, stood dressed exactly like Peggy. A look of sadness in her eyes.

'It will always be her..'.. She gestured behind him and he looked, Peggy was there, watching him... 'You want to replace her with me, for me to be just like her, but I never will be..'.. He heard Lias voice break, and spun back around to face her, but she had gone. Turning back, Peggy was gone too.

Steve heard Clint and Tony in his ear, and he shook his head. He looked around, seeing that he was still on the ship, on the ground. Getting up, he stumbled, trying to get his bearings.

He helped Clint with Nat, and they got back to the jet. Tony and Bruce eventually made it back, and they were all silent. He didn't know what that girl Wanda had put into his head, but it had him really confused.

What did it mean? Why was Lia in his head? Why would she think that he wanted to replace Peggy with her? He sat in one of the seats, lost in his thoughts.


Clint sat at the controls, as Tony talked with Hill via videocall. The others were all shook up over whatever the Maximoff girl made them see. To know that Ultron had gotten to Lia, and she was missing, her book was weighing on his mind. Did she know that it would happen?

'Hey, you wanna switch out?'... He heard Tony right behind him.

'No. I'm good. If you wanna get some kip. Nows a good time, because we're still a few hours out..'.. He sighed, thinking of the one place that would be safe for them all, until they could regroup.

'A few hours from where?'... Tony asked quietly.

'A safe house...'.. He heard Tony sigh, knowing the guy probably wouldn't be able to sleep... 'We'll get her back Tony. If she's under mind control, we can break that. She doesn't seem the type to go down without a fight..'

He felt Tony pat his shoulder... 'I don't know what I'll do, if I lose her. She's all I got left..'

Clint heard Tony head to the back of the jet. He had a feeling that this is what she meant. Knowing they'd be there soon, he wondered how his wife was going to take it, with a house full of guests.


The jet landed in the field, and Clint put his arm around Nat, leading the team to the house.

'What is this place?'... He hears Thor ask, behind him.

'A safe house?'... Clint smirked, hearing Tony's confused reply, as they walked up the porch steps.

'Let's hope..'.. He opened the door, leading Nat in. He walks into the open kitchen to the right, looking around... 'Honey? I'm home'

Steve stood, watching a a dark haired pregnant woman comes around the corner, looking at them all. She kissed Clint, and hugged him.

'Gentlemen, this is Laura..'.. Clint introduced her.

She smiled at them all... 'I know all of your names..'

Steve still didn't understand what was going on. He thought Barton was with Lia, but when two kids rushed into the room, hugging Clint, he was even more confused. Was Barton cheating on his wife? Did Lia know he was married, with a family?

'So, Where's Lia? I thought she'd be with you, she's on the team, right?'... Laura asked, as the little girl hugged Nat.

'You know Lia?'... The words slipped from Steve's mouth, before he could stop himself.

Laura chuckled, putting an arm around Clint... 'Yeah, he's told me about her. They flirt and tease to mess with you guys, especially Tony..'.. She gestured to him. She saw the looks and laughed... 'I trust my husband Captain, and even though I've yet to meet her, I trust her too. She sounds like a good person'

Steve just stood there, listening to the others talking with each other. He saw the look on Thors face, before the asgardian walked out of the house. He followed, wondering what was going on... 'Thor?'... He calls out, stopping on the porch.

'I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here..'... Thor tells him, before singing his hammer and flying off.

Steve stood there for a moment, his thoughts driving back to his dream. He turns to the house, hearing Peggy's voice echoing in his head, followed by Lias. Sighing to himself, he turned back and down the steps. He needed to clear his head.


Clint was with Laura in their room, talking about everyone. He didn't know what the others had seen in their dreams, but from the looks of them all it wasn't good. He sat by the window, pulling on his boots, as Laura stood next to him. He thought about the book, wondering if he should or not.

'How's Tony doing? You think he'll be ok without Lia?'... She asked him, rubbing his back.

'I don't know. I  think he'll do anything to get her back, and that worries me..'.. He sighed, getting up and going to his bag. He rooted inside and pulled out her book... 'She left this with me, because she trusts me more than the others..'.. He held it up, looking at Laura... 'That I was only to read it, when the time comes. I don't know if that's now, or not. But..'

'You think there would be something in there that would help find her, save her?'... Laura came over and took it from him, looking at the cover.

'I think, it's everything. Her secrets, her fears. I think it's a diary. She said Nat can read it too, but only us. Whatever is in there, I think its important..'.. She handed it back to him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, smiling up at him.

'Read it. And if you think it's really important, then have Nat read it too. It's good that she has someone to trust. From what you've told me..'.. Laura sighed... 'She's never had anyone like that. She needs you, all of you. So find her, save her..'.. The both looked out of the window, seeing Tony and Steve chopping wood.


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