Thunder Atop the Mountains

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Misty Peaks, Terosu Region, Old World

The glow of a full moon shines down upon the mountains, bathing this magnificent landscape in a silver hue. The towering peaks are surrounded by a faint mist, the product of the many hot springs and crashing waterfalls which flow down from the elevated terrain. The dumped liquids slowly carve away at stone and earth, and create the area's countless ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers, their presence bringing life to all of the environment's inhabitants.

Forests of bamboo and deciduous trees colonize these rocky slopes; the region's reliable weather patterns are the key to their immense success despite the harsh winters. The plants' leaves rustle in the winds that cross the mountain range. The palettes of greens, oranges, and yellows blur together, creating a colorful tapestry, their movements adding even more life to this landscape of stone and water.

But not all parts of the region are so lively; some areas have a noticeably calmer atmosphere, their movements much gentler or even non-existent. These are the conditions seen on the shore of a mountain lake, its waters motionless, and the surrounding reeds standing straight, their delicate stems and leaves undisturbed. Amongst the plants, a cluster of Thunderbugs weaves through them, their bioluminescent abdomen making them appear like tiny stars who have fallen from the heavens as they glow in the darkness of the night.

As the invertebrates fly around, some landing to feed on the vegetation, they begin converting the naturally generated static electricity in the air into electrical energy which they store within themselves, giving them the ability to create small...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

As the invertebrates fly around, some landing to feed on the vegetation, they begin converting the naturally generated static electricity in the air into electrical energy which they store within themselves, giving them the ability to create small shocks for self-defense. Unfortunately, these tiny zaps aren't always enough to deter predators. Most are capable of sneaking up on the Thunderbugs and eat them whole, their high nutritional value worth the risk of getting shocked.

With their bodies glowing with stored electricity, the Thunderbugs unintentionally become obvious targets for other animals, and this swarm has already attracted some unwanted attention. Seeing the small moving lights, a pair of Gargwa walks over to the invertebrates, their large bodies swaying back and forth as they approach.

Unlike most of the species that eat Thunderbugs, bird wyverns aren't affected by the species' electrical defenses, as their beaks possess an insulating material that nullifies the shocks, making these flightless animals their main predators

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Unlike most of the species that eat Thunderbugs, bird wyverns aren't affected by the species' electrical defenses, as their beaks possess an insulating material that nullifies the shocks, making these flightless animals their main predators. Rummaging around in the reeds, the Gargwa snap up as many of the invertebrates as they can catch, swallowing the energy-rich animals in a single gulp. Flying around, the invertebrates catch the scent of something and start heading for the source. As the bird wyverns snap their beaks at the passing Thunderbugs, they notice the change in the prey's behavior, their sporadic and panicked flight patterns now becoming smooth and clear.

The Hidden Lives of MonstersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz