Scorching Blade

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Jurassic Frontier, Island District, Old World

Daylight breaks over the horizon, illuminating a tropical landscape, and providing nourishment to the many species of primitive plants which inhabit this landmass. Cut off from the rest of the continent, this island acts as a refuge for a variety of ancient lineages that either are or have nearly gone extinct everywhere else, making a good amount of the inhabitants endemic to this part of the world, or much rarer in other regions.

While there are plenty of examples of lineages found nowhere else in the world, many of the native lifeforms also may have relatives on the continent, but through multiple generations of isolation, have evolved to look very different. Despite differentiating from their mainland counterparts anatomically, every living organism on this landmass fills a similar ecological niche, having no competition for these roles in this primordial paradise.

For millions of years, sea and fossil mountains have made it possible for these primordial organisms to evolve independently from the flora and fauna of the mainland; however, during recent geological events, this island has steadily gotten more accessible, allowing for some species from the neighboring continent to travel between landmasses. While the arrival of non-native lifeforms did cause some imbalance in the ecosystem, a surprisingly large amount of the original inhabitants have survived this biotic interchange, with some even finding a strong foothold in the old world. One animal, in particular, has become especially prevalent throughout both the old and new world. 

Within the lush forest, a loud grinding noise is heard from inside the dense vegetation; many of the trees bear deep slash marks, and a plethora of low-growing plants have had their tops sliced off. As the scraping continues, a bladed tail moves across the base of a partially buried boulder. As it is raised in the air, its owner Blaze, a fully grown female Glavenus, appears.

(Imagine the color in the picture is duller)

Examining her bladed tail closely, Blaze snorts in satisfaction at its sharpness and starts walking away, the long appendage swaying behind her and slicing any vegetation caught in its path, adding to the many territorial markings already spread o...

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Examining her bladed tail closely, Blaze snorts in satisfaction at its sharpness and starts walking away, the long appendage swaying behind her and slicing any vegetation caught in its path, adding to the many territorial markings already spread out over the region. Keeping this serrated tool sharpened is very important for Glavenuses, as it acts as their primary weapon when hunting or fighting, as well as allows them to mark their territories and intimidate adversaries.

Although it may not look like it, the massive sword-shaped mass that acts as a counterweight isn't naturally part of the brute wyverns' anatomy. Rather, it's made of accumulated ores and metals, making it perfect for conducting heat. By repeatedly scraping their tail against things, the constant friction causes the blade to become very hot, to the point where the minerals change coloration, turning it into a blazing razor capable of slicing through a wide range of objects.

However, the intense heat will deform the metallic blade over time, causing the razor-sharp edge to dull. To prevent this from happening, Glavenuses will either scrape their tail on hard objects or place it in their mouth, and use the four large highly durable fangs at the front of their jaws to sharpen it, sliding the weapon across the specialized teeth to reshape it; additionally, their large size, along with the cranial horns, protect the creatures' eyes from flying sparks.

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