Did she really just say that?

"You're annoying me." Red's flat words hit hard. "Go away."

No-one has ever spoken to Amber that way. Her expression sours. Uh oh, she's salty.

"I get it. You spent last night together. Congratulations loser, you used your body to finally matter. Way to-"

Her words are cut off as she starts to float, gasping for air.

"Insult my Emissary, and you insult the Red Enforcer." Red's eyes are wild.

I wait for someone to do something, but nobody moves. Glancing at Damon, I realize they're all frozen by the Force. Red's anger has trapped everyone—except me.

I have to stop this, before he kills her.

Not that he'd be punished. And it wouldn't be a huge loss. The thought of never being bullied by her again is fantastic...

What am I thinking? Amber doesn't deserve to die. And I don't want Red to kill someone because of me. How to stop him?

Red's breathing is speeding up as the Force takes over. I've seen that look. Yelling won't make a difference. He needs talking down.

"Hey Red, did you eat breakfast?"

The unexpected question breaks his concentration. "What?"

I shove the agepan into his hands. "Finish this."

He stares at the bread as if he's never seen food before.

"Pineapple ones are the best. My friend Joffa bought it for me."

His hands are shaking. He blinks hard, trying to focus.

"Take a bite," I urge.

Lifting the food to his mouth, he tastes the bread. One bite, then two. Already I can tell he's back from the edge.

Reaching for his arm, I pull the bread toward me, and bite the middle. "Pineapple filling is the best." Truth. "Try it."

While he tastes a chunk from the center, I add, "You should eat regular meals Red." How to say it? "By the way, I don't want my name linked with that chick. If you hurt her, people will blame me. Let her down. Plus, everyone can see her underwear. It's not cool."

He tilts his head to the side, staring at me as he finishes the bread in a few gulps. And then Amber is back on the ground, the room a swirl of motion again.

Amber's parents run to her side, all dramatic, like she's a victim and not a privileged monster who should maybe stop bullying people. Periodt.

The gong sounds, and I look up to see the oldest living Jedi in the city standing on the stage. The entire dome falls silent.

A legend who only comes out at night, I see him at the noodle place sometimes. I wonder why he's here? His beard is amazing.

"The mother does not matter. The Enforcer Ellydium does not matter. Only the boy's wishes matter." His voice is gruff and scratchy. "Tell me young one, do you agree to be the Emissary?"

"Don't you dare say yes!" yells my mother. No surprise there.

Dad stays silent, looking disappointed in me, like always.

When I meet Red's weird gray eyes, I see a lot. Not sure if it's the weird flower making me understand him, but we're alike.

His anger at Amber wasn't only about the bullying. She reminded him of everyone who treats him like a freak. Jedi, Sith, humans, they're mostly the same, all hating on anyone different.

I'm powerless. He's too powerful. Maybe we balance each other out.

Besides, I can't pay him back for choosing me by ditching him in front of this crew. Imagine the gloating.

Turning to the old Jedi, I bow. "I accepted the desert flower. I am the Emissary of the Red Enforcer." My heart beats so hard the whole dome can probably hear it.

"Let the records show the bond of Enforcer and Emissary, forged by The Force, broken only by mutual agreement and ceremony."

WTH am I doing? I straighten, feeling shaky. Red looks solemn—until he winks. This guy is a bad influence.

"Meeting adjourned," yells Damon's dad, sounding relieved.

Jedi bolt for the exit like ants. Real dignified.

"Your uniform is vanilla. You look like a middle schooler." Reaching into my bag, Red takes out his scarf and places it around my neck in the same careful way he did last night. "Better."

A glance at mom shows the General talking to her forcefully, while dad holds her arm.

"We have to go to school," says Damon, bowing to Red. "Unless you require Jak today?"

"No, come find me this evening," he tells me. "I'm gonna catch up on some sleep."

I wave awkwardly at him as Anna drags me away.

"You sure can keep a secret," she says.

"No kidding," mutters Damon.

Joffa is still standing in the same place. He stares at me like I've grown two heads.

"We're gonna be late." Grabbing the strap of his bag, I drag him toward the exit. "Thanks for buying me breakfast, Jof. You really saved the day."

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