Chapter 4

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"A few select members of the Council know why I'm here," says Red, "and now the Jedi of the city have seen my face."

Damon's dad clears his throat. "Every Jedi in the city is willing and eager to cooperate."

"Because they're scared," whispers Joffa.

Another Councilor stops forward. "If you require an Emissary, any Jedi in the city would consider being chosen a great honor."

"Perhaps someone younger, since you are young," interjects another. "Many of our Jedi students are promising."

So that's what Amber was talking about.

"My Emissary is already selected."

Please not someone awful. We'll never hear the end of it. If he'd asked, I would have told him to choose Damon.

Red turns his head and meets my eyes. Before I know it, I'm lifted over the crowd and floating across the dome, landing clumsily at his feet.

I hate it when Jedi throw me around like a rag doll.

"Sorry." He reaches out a steadying hand.

I'm too stunned to speak. Is this a joke?

"The boy has no Force," splutters an outraged Councilor. "That child is useless."

I hate these people. Even without The Force, I sense Red's seething rage.

"Did I ask for your opinion, you stupid old man?"

The dome fills with shocked murmurs. I feel myself blushing.

Another Councilor steps forward. "I believe the two of you met last night. Perhaps had a few drinks to celebrate your arrival in town?" She gives Red a condescending smile. Stupid move, lady. "Many Jedi are more suitable. Interview a few candidates before making a final decision."

Red smiles back, all teeth. "You misunderstand. We shared a desert flower. The connection is sealed. Jak is my Emissary."

"I won't allow it. My son cannot be the Emissary."

I forgot about mom. From beside the General, her glare says it all. Dad appears from the crowd, hurrying to stand beside her.

"You have no say." Red is unimpressed. "He's of age."

Mom seems to swell, she's so angry. "I move my son be declared a non-adult. He has no Force. He cannot be allowed to make this decision or any decision regarding his life."

The silence in the dome is one of complete shock. For a second, I feel like throwing up. Did my own mother just try to strip me of my rights?

"That's enough." Anna's voice shocks me, filling the dome. She and Damon stride forward, faces full of outrage. "What you suggest is Force discrimination. No city in the galaxy condones it."

"How dare you." Mum glares at her. "The adults are talking."

"And how dare you try to silence us." Damon's hatred for my mother is clear. "Her mother is on the Council. My father is the Council leader. We are the strongest Jedi of a new generation, and Jak's friends. He's compassionate, intelligent, and notices things others miss because you treat him as if he's invisible. Just because you don't recognize his potential doesn't mean others will make the same mistake."

Wow. It's hard to swallow past the lump in my throat.


Oh no, Amber has entered the chat. Flicking her long blonde hair over one shoulder, she saunters toward Red.

"I can offer much more Force, and more intelligent information. Like those two, my mother is on the Council, but I'm not blinded by friendship. And I'm happy to serve you," she bites her lip, "in any way."

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