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Seoul is such an intimidating city when it's Jungkook all alone, as he stands in front of a tall building— entertainment company.

He knows he shouldn't have agreed to come here, yet he did.

It's fucked up how Yoongi moved on, how he's dating someone new, how he claims to have never moved on from Jungkook, and how he asked Jungkook to talk in person.

Still, no matter how fucked up it is, Jungkook knows he's made mistakes throughout their relationship as well, and Yoongi has always been forgiving. And he's in love. He can't help but jump on any chance to see Yoongi again, even given the situation.

So, he enters the building and tells the lady at the front what his name is. She nods, asks for his ID, and then takes him to the elevator.

They go up a few floors before they're getting off and he's guided to a door down the hall. She tells him to enter, then she leaves.

He stares at the door.

It's closed and there's a passcode on the handle. He takes a deep breath and exhales before he thinks that maybe the passcode is the same as what Yoongi's phone code was.

Shaking a little, he types in the numbers to his own birthdate. The door makes a happy little noise once he's done and his shoulders drop.

He's the same Min Yoongi as before, he thinks for a moment.

But then, even though he'd typed in the passcode, the door opens on its own and the breath is knocked out of him. He was wrong. Yoongi isn't the same as before.

His hair is grown out, he's got pretty dangling earrings on, and his lips look pinker than ever, maybe bitten a little too harshly.

Even in that old, familiar tshirt of his, Yoongi still looks like an idol and Jungkook is reminded: he is an idol. He's no longer just Min Yoongi. He's Agust D.

Yoongi's grip tightens on the doorknob and Jungkook frowns once he notices how bitten Yoongi's nails are. He thought Yoongi had gotten better and stopped doing that...

"You're here.."

Yoongi moves back, inviting Jungkook into the studio. His very own studio. It's what Yoongi's always wanted.

Jungkook feels numb as he walks inside. There's sound equipment, a nice computer, microphone, and producing equipment as well.

The studio is all black and has a few figurines. There's a familiar teddy bear on his desk that makes Jungkook's heart drop because he remembers giving it to Yoongi after he won it in a machine.

He's too overwhelmed, so he follows Yoongi, both taking a seat on the tiny black sofa pushed against the wall.

"You have a studio," he says matter-of-factly. Of course, he knew that Yoongi had a studio, but now it's all becoming so real.

"I do."

He glances at Yoongi and the second he notices him picking nervously at his fingertips, he reaches up— hesitates for a second, but still takes Yoongi's wrist and pulls his hands apart to stop him.

"Hyung," he calls out. Yoongi frowns at his lap instead of looking at him. "Why did you want me to come here? Why do you want to talk?"

Yoongi takes a shaky breath which makes Jungkook shiver.

"I released a mixtape a month after I came to Seoul," he starts. Jungkook is aware of the fact. "It was a hit. Bigger than I ever expected. I got popular so quick, just like you always said."

Jungkook encouraged his boyfriend so often, telling him how everyone will love his music. He was right.

"I got to meet my actor friend, Seokjin from high school. I don't know if you remember me talking about him. Um. He- He's the one who introduced me to Taehyung."

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