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It was late at night and Y/N couldn't sleep. How could she? Her mind kept flashing memories of M/N being held by knife.

That would forever haunt Y/N. Even if she should be at peace now that it was over. And even if she wasn't the one who had a knife on their throat.

It still wouldn't leave her head. Like at that moment. When morning arrived she was so tired she remained in bed for longer than usual.

Long enough that M/N left for work as if nothing happened. That stung her the most. That M/N could forget this and she couldn't for some reason. There was other bad memories she had that left her head. Why not this? What made it different?

She sighed."I can't stay in bed all day." Y/N got out of bed but was too lazy to make her bed. And it was summer. She'd probably do the same thing tomorrow anyway." and sleep in it again. So pretty much the same thing everyday.

She came downstairs yawning. though she knew she got plenty of sleep. "Morning, Y/N, M/N greeted her. Y/N smiled. "Morning, Mom." "How did you sleep? She asked. Y/N shrugged. "Good enough."

"Good, M/N smiled. Y/N announced, "Once I finish breakfast, I'm probobly going to go riding my bike or hanging out with my friends." "Good for you, Y/N, M/N smiled."I'm really glad you're socializing, Y/N."

"Yeoh, Y/N shrugged. She didn't find it that amazing. But once Y/N finished breakfast, She did like she said she would. Y/N hopped on her bike, leaving her house. Y/N wouldn't be gone for long.

She began riding her bike, before running into familiar faces. "Y-Y/N! Bill said, smiling. "Hey Bill, You smile. "Where are you off to? Y/N asked, genuinely curious. "B-Barrens, He replies. Y/N smiles. "Cool." Y/N kind of figured he would be looking for his brother.

She didn't wanna be the one who would remind him Georgie was dead. He wouldn't come back. "Why? Eddie whines. "You know how you could get so many infections?" "Seriously, Eds, You should live it up a little, Richie laughed.

Eddie looked even angrier. "Don't call me Eds." Y/N rolled her eyes, biking past them. She did kind of want to go with them, but Y/N didn't feel like getting dirty. So, she deciding on just biking around.

Hopefully, no other people she would encounter would be murdered. Y/N hummed some song while fhe wind blew in her face. Moments when she could enjoy being a kid. But secretly, she planned on finding more evidence, Plus investigating.

Y/N knew Pennywise killed those kids. But no proof. Y/N sighed. Nobody would believe her, unless she could prove her theory. Logic. Everyone believes Logic. Y/N continued searching, maybe more kids would be going missing.

Not something Y/N liked, or enjoyed, but if she witnessed, this would stop kids from going missing if more people knew Pennywise existed. More people who knew, the more scared Pennywise would be.

If only it was that easy.

Y/N groaned, suddenly she lost control of her bike and fell. Y/N normally never lost control of her bike. She sighed, stopping her bike from going on top of her. "What a fucking day, Y/N muttered, brushing the dirt off her clothes.

Instead of being grumpy and giving up, Y/N got right back on her bike. But a few more minutes come by, and Y/N decided on going back home. She would do more later.

More so because of that incident and she was still kind of bleeding from her knees that she needed to have band aids.

Y/N would've done more today, and she felt disappointed that she fell. It never happened before, even with many things on her mind, Y/N still managed to keep control.

That was also kind of embarrassing if anybody saw her. Which she was sure many people did. Y/N arrived home, placing her bike in the garage. "Hey honey, M/N smiled. "How was bike riding?" Y/N shrugged. "Good."

M/N looked down, seeing her bleeding knees. "What happened? M/N asked, worry covering her face. "Oh, I jus fell, Mom, No biggie, Y/N replied, grabbing the band aids from the cabinet, placing one on each of her knees.

"You sure? Because you obviously didn't simply fall, M/N said. Y/N didn't feel like being clouded by many concerning Mom questions.

"I promise, Mom, I just fell, Y/N assured her, hiding her wrists that bruised from holding on her bike. "Oh okay, M/N said.

Normally she would've asked more but since Y/N kept insisting she just left her alone. And that seemed like a bad parenting move, but truthfully that was what Y/N liked the most about her mother. She didn't keep bothering her daughter, which would've made Y/N even more annoyed with M/N.

Y/N entered her room and laid down, that hard road hit her painfully. Her back hurt so much. If that was what feeling old felt like, Y/N didn't really want to be old and it would be her biggest fear in life.

Constant pain? No thank you. Y/N may just use anti aging cream for the rest of her life. She tossed and turned even while in so much pain.

That embarrassing moment lingered in her mind but then she realized she still wasn't alone. Her stalkers were watching again.

"You've got to be kidding me! Y/N exclaimed, hopefully scaring them away. "I don't want to be watched right now and I know someone is. I can feel it." Y/N roughly closed her curtains. She didn't even remember opening them, unless it was a habit of hers. Which, Y/N assumed so because they were usually open every single morning.

Y/N groaned in pain. She laid back down in bed. Whining would do nothing. Y/N wasn't scary enough, so she probably didn't even scare her stalkers off, much to her dismay.

"This pain better go away, Y/N murmured as she slowly closed her eyes, letting the darkness consume her happily. But when she woke up 1 hour later, Y/N felt so much better. "No more annoying Pain! Y/N squealed, but fell off her bed.

"I'm having the worst luck ever today. thankfully it isn't St. Patrick's Day, Y/N mumbled.

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