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warnings: mentions of abuse, creepiness, you've been warned.

Y/N tried calming down her nerves when she stepped on each stair, hoping M/N was okay and in no danger. But she figured M/N was. When she entered the living room, Y/N's eyes widen, her Mother was in danger.

A knife held against her neck, M/N's eyes pleading for Y/N's help. Y/N stepped back instinctively, but she felt like crying. What could she even do? M/N whimpered, while the mysterious man yelled, "Come closer. I need to see you."

Y/N obeyed, going closer, which helped her see whoever held her mother back better. Y/N shouldn't have been surprised. One of M/N's past boyfriends. He abused her so often, Y/N never had been abused by him, but witnessed this many times. However, he was creepy and a pervert with Y/N.

Y/N believed He was attracted to her, even if she was a minor. M/N sobbed. "I said I would come back, He smirks. Y/N felt disgust and worry for M/N. Disgust for him. "Let My Mom go, Y/N hissed. M/N's ex boyfriend shook his head."No. Not until I get what i want."

"What is that? Y/N asked. "Easy, He replies, his men pointing guns at Y/N. Y/N waited for a response before he finally added, "Money."

"Money? Y/N scoffed. "So holding my mom against her will all for money?" He nods. "And maybe. Be M/N's boyfriend again."

M/N whimpered as she begged him not to kill Y/N. Though he was underestimating M/N a lot. A part of Y/N suspected she was doing an act to make them think she was helpless.

"Or.. he drifts off, glancing over at Y/N."Maybe..." he dropped the guns and so did his men. He was a lot older than Y/N as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

Y/N felt disgusted but wanted to laugh at how stupid he was. Because she stepped back as a gunshot hit his head and he dropped to the floor dead.

His men were terrified as M/N held the gun in her hand. She had been waiting for the right time. M/N hugged her daughter. "Did he harm you? She asked. Y/N shook her head. "I'm fine, Mom. He put me through mental pain. I'm relieved you're okay."

"He's a coward, M/N smiled. "He could never hurt me or really anybody. Well he could never kill anybody. Which is why he hired people. Who obviously were cowards like him." Y/N chuckled, but M/N was right.

"Well, we need more security, M/N admitted. "I just.. i was hoping we could continue living middle class rather than upper class." "I understand, Mom, Y/N assured her mother. She nods. "Now, I trust you so much, Y/N, M/N said, which made Y/N know where she was going.

"But you should probably stay inside more, with kids going missing and murders... M/N stopped nervously. "Okay, Y/N responded, she did mean her words. But curiosity would probably make Y/N rebel eventually.

M/N did have good points. Kids were going missing, just kids. Sure, some grown ups disappeared, but the sudden rise of crimes happening involved Kids mostly. Y/N was no fool. But how could she investigate now?

Y/N bit her lower lip, going in her room. Her hard work would be gone if she did remain inside more. She couldn't give up now. Not when she was so close, having her own experience with Pennywise.

Now, she knew the rule culprit of the crimes. She just needed to convince everyone else he existed, which would be hard considering adults only believed what they could see, and pennywise, knowing this, only shows himself to children.

Quite Clever.

though, like everyone else, Y/N knew the missing children were long gone. they would've been found by now. Plus, some kids had been found. Not fully, just dismembered. Y/N shivered imagining the scenes police were finding.

She had been investigating this since she became aware of it. and aware derry police weren't really giving much effort. Y/N was bothered by this. they should be doing more. instead, more kids were being murdered.

Pennywise thrived off of this. Y/N, believed he probably placed some curse over Derry, or his presence made people do nothing when crimes happened. or anything. Y/N knew she would have to do something, since nobody else would. even if the person would be a kid.

Y/N sighed, opening her window, realizing she could sneak out, look for clues, look for more evidence she could use to prove Pennywise existed in Derry. However, now didn't seem like the best time. M/N would see her.

But she liked the breeze so she kept it open(for future sneaking out and plans). Y/N remained in her room for a while even if she was paranoid that someone would come and attack M/N again.

Hopefully it wouldn't happen again. Though it was very unlikely.

Y/N felt guilt eating at her for not watching M/N or staying by her properly. Even if it wasn't her responsibility as M/n was a grown woman who could take care of herself and Y/N.

Y/N was mature for her age. At least what she had been told her life, more specifically by creeps who wanted to get a good time from her.

There were plenty of pedophiles in Derry that unfortunately got away. But that could change. That was something people in Derry could do.

Y/N sighed. What had her peaceful hometown become? Something that was anything but peaceful. Y/N was naïve enough to believe Derry could change with help. But not enough to believe most people in derry were good, clueless people who were scared.

M/N was good, sure, but even she didn't do much when she really could. She could do so much. Especially with her level of authority. Y/N frowned. But decided she would grow tired if she did anything else. She slowly was losing her energy.

Mostly because, most of her days were draining. Worrying about others instead of herself. Hopefully people would appreciate that one day. One day. for now, she was popular but invisible when she actually accomplished good things. Y/N hated that.

Y/N, would have to wait for her time. Y/N sighed. When would she be noticed for good things in life? 

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