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Y/N remained under her covers in the morning longer than she wanted. However, Y/N couldn't bring herself to get up. By that point, Her Mom was off for work. She was home by herself. Y/N sighed, finally escaping her covers.

Y/N changed, since she planned on biking, and then had some cereal. Y/N raced out the door, she locked the door behind her, of course. Derry was anything but safe for all she knew. Y/N continued biking around, so happy she didn't even hear the car behind her.

"Y/N! A familiar voice said. Oh shit, Y/N thought, speeding faster to get away from them. Y/N had been a target for the Bowers Gang for a while, but not for bullying.

They were obsessed with her and Y/N knew this. Y/N parked her bike somewhere, hoping they would drive by, or something stupid. Even in her intelligent mind, Y/N knew they would stop and be creepy like every single day.

When they pulled up close by her, Y/N sighed. "Leave me alone, I'm not interested in you! I've said no so many times!" Y/N insisted, however, they only became closer. Y/N backed up, only for a few seconds.

"We could do this the easy way, or the hard way, Henry said. "Either way, we have you in the end." Y/N was not some object he could claim. Y/N smirked, before punching him right in the face, getting on her bike, before racing off.

Henry didn't seem so mad with her, no, He couldn't be. He still, was so obsessed with her. they were so obsessed with Y/N. Y/N would've beaten him more up if she wasn't so nice. She only punched him because he didn't listen. She didn't let him push over her anymore. She couldn't. He was sick, who knows what he could do?

Y/N knew he went easy on her, Henry alone could overpower her, so if Patrick, Victor and belch joined in, oh boy, Y/N would've been over. She felt like crying, but didn't. Why should she? She won, this time.

Y/N planned on leaving Derry when she became 18. She wished she was 18 already. God, did being 18 seem so far away. Y/N rode her bike so far so the bowers gang couldn't see her anymore.

One thing she fully knew was Patrick Hocksetter was a sociopath. Y/N heard rumors of Him murdering his baby brother when he was five, she thought they were only rumors, when one day he stood by her locker, bragging about murdering him in front of Y/N.

In his mind, He thought he would be impressing Y/N, which really, he made her scared of him even more. Y/N never showed how scared of the bowers gang she really was, because she didn't like showing how she really felt, Y/N preferred being brave over being terrified.

Despite her boldness and determination, Y/N had her own flaws like everyone else. In no way was she a mary sue. One of her flaws? Fear. Fear controlled her life, she wished Fear didn't, but sometimes, Y/N knew Fear did control her life in some aspects.

Unless she did work hard, nothing would change. Y/N did try so hard. She did in life. Y/N knew she'd never be successful in Derry, which is why she planned on leaving. Success comes with hard work, yes, but Y/N worked and nothing.

Derry only brought her down in life. Y/N parked her bike, sitting by some curb. She didn't know what to do. Y/N then see Bill with his friends bike by. Y/N hoped they didn't see her, especially since she looked horrible.

"Y-Y/N? Bill stuttered, stopping his bike. Y/N smiled softly, hiding her embarrassment." Hi Bill, Nice day hm?" "Why are you on the curb? Stanley asks, curiously. Y/N sighed. "Bowers Gang. Like every single day."

they frowned. richie fixed his glasses. "i hate those dickheads. they think they're cool and shit when they could suck a dick for all i-"

"shut up richie! eddie snapped, he wanted to impress Y/N, he liked her, so much. Y/N giggled, making Richie smile. She sort of liked his sense of humor, even if sometimes it was random and out of pocket.

"Well, I hope I can see you guys more, Y/N smiled, she meant every word. "M-Me too, Bill smiles. It wasn't a secret between His friends that he had a crush on Y/N, but as days went on it was growing into something unhealthy.

He wasn't really sure on what he should do, Y/N didn't seem to notice the way he'd glance at her whenever he did see Y/N.

She got on her bike, and biked off. They hoped they'd see Y/N again. But first, They'd take care of Bowers for her.

Y/N arrived home as usual, and on time. She didn't want to make her mother worry, with kids going missing and she certainly didn't want to become a missing kid either.

Y/N was starting to connect the dots on who was responsible but the logical side of her thought she was crazy for thinking so.

"Hey sweetheart, M/N smiled."I made Lunch." Y/N nodded, but something felt off. Her Mother's smile was off and M/N never made Pie for Lunch.

It was then that the pie in front of her had the words, YOU'LL FLOAT TOO. M/N formed into a terrifying clown, not necessarily terrifying but creepy and Y/N was shocked.

The clown ran straight for but she moved quickly so he wouldn't get her. Her Mother placed a note on the table stating she was getting lunch for her and would be back soon. That's when the clown disappeared. Y/N then realized that she had faced the killer of the missing children.


Like M/N wrote, She came back with lunch, specifically f/f(favorite food), which Y/N happily enjoyed. However, her experience with the clown still lingered in her mind. Y/N quickly figured out he could murder kids so easily simply because, adults couldn't see him.

Y/N thought that was weird. things were peaceful without worry about the bowers gang. Y/N wondered, were they finally over her? Would they finally move on?

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