27. Moves like jagger because of you

Start from the beginning

"I love it thank you Max I love you" I kissed Max. 

"The other one is for me so we can match" He said while lifting the other bracelet up. I was too stunned to speak. Max had gotten me a perfect present that I was more than grateful for. I wrapped him into a tight hug and we fell back to the bed. 

"I love you so much that you don't even know" I mumbled into his neck. 

"And I love you equally as much" Max said keeping me close to his chest. "I think we should take a quick shower before going upstairs" Max said and I agreed. But when we were at the shower toghether it turned out to be a much longer one that we had planned, but could you blame us? 

When we finally made it to Max' apartment Luka and Lio came running to the door! 

"Gefeliciteerd Charles!" Luka said smiling. Lio couldn't talk properly yet but he clapped his hands together looking excited. 

"Thank you" I said smiling. Victoria and Tom were in the livingroom sitting in the sofa. 

"Did you sleep okay?" Max asked. 

"Yeah you have great bed so comfy" Victoria said smiling and I just laughed. 

"But you were supposed to be here almost an hour ago and I think I don't want to know what you were doing" Victoria laughed and our faces were red in matter of seconds. Tom and Victoria just laughed. We had decided to spend the day exploring Monaco and at five we would go to my moms house to eat. 

The day was great we had fun time together and I got to push the strollers which I absolutely loved. Not many people recognised us since I knew all the best places to go where no one was going to bother us. I really liked Victoria and Tom not to mention Luka and Lio. They had stolen my heart right away and I wished I could have nephews like this. But that wasn't probably going to happen in any time soon. 

Before we left to my moms me and Max changed the fan shirts on and the laughs from Victoria and Tom were not going to stop in a while. We just smiled at each other. The ride to my moms was interesting. we had to go with two cars, Me and Max were driving with Luka and Lio since we knew the streets of monaco better than Victoria and Tom who had a little quality time just the two of them. 

I was driving and Max was sitting in the backseat with the boys. I didn't understand anything they were talking but it made me happy to not hear any crying untill twenty minutes into the ride. Lio had started crying apparently because he wanted to see mommy and Luka started crying because Lio was crying. Max looked so confused. He clearly didn't know what to do so he did the first thing that came to mind and started making funny noises wich almost made me drive off the road since I was laughing so hard. It helped and the boys started laughing as well. 

When we got to my moms Tom and Victoria were not following us anymore. 

"Where are they?" I asked while taking Lio out of his car seat. 

"I don't know, maybe they took a longer route to have more time without the boys" Max shrugged. We walked inside with Luka and Lio in our hands. My mom rushed towards us immediately. 

"Joyeux anniversaire mon petit bébé" (Happy birthday my little baby) She said and squeezed me tightly. 

"Merci mama" I said smiling and placed Lio to the ground so he could go exploaring. Victoria and Tom made it about twenty minutes after us. Now everyone was in the livingroom catching up. It felt so nice to be surrounded by the people that I loved. I had gotten a present from my mom wich was a new sweater she had made it by herself and I loved it. Then from Arthur I got a present that when I openned it I quickly closed it and turned bright red. Everyone wanted to see what it was but I didn't let them see the condoms, candles and pink handcuffs. After everyone gave up on trying to see Arthurs present for me I openned Lorenzo's present wich was a gift card to a spa for two. After that everyone went back talking to each other and I had a chance to show Max what I got and he also turned bright red. 

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