Day five

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I hopped down from the tree to greet them. My legs bent as I harshly it the floor of the woods.

"Hey Minho," I waved to the boy, rearranging my now ruffled hair.

"Hey, you having fun up there?" He exchanged the greeting. I chuckled at his implications, agreeing.

Thomas was still in shock, his moth hanged open as he stared at me, shifting his eyes occasionally to the high rank I was sitting on just seconds ago.

"You gonna show me to the slicers or are you just going to stand there," I remarked.

"Uh ya, Minho will show you," Thomas broke from is awe, patting Minho on the back. He grinned widely at who knows what.

"Great, show the way," I smiled at Minho hopping he would act as clueless as the other boy.

Minho waved me over to follow him as he made his way out of the thicket. We walked through crowded of boys, each on their way to their own tasks. I hadn't noticed before but the boys ranged in age from as young as 12 to boys who looked to be in their late teens.

I was sad looking at all the different boys who ran across the glade, I hopped a batter life for them. They all seemed to be so happy trapped behind walls that harbured out of sight monsters.

Minho pulled my attention back as he suddenly stopped, making me crash into his back.

"You ok?" He asked. I nod, not knowing what to say tp put my feelings into words.

"Ok, well we're here," even when I gave him a positive response he still carried an expression of worry.

"This Is Winston," we walked inside a long wooden corridor that looked to be a makeshift barn of some sort, it went the size or volume of one but I assumed it was the best they could do. And besides if it worked for them it worked.

I walk behind Minho to see the tall boy they called Winston. He had a scruffy look to him, dried blood under his nails, though it didn't bother me. His hair was a mess, the same as the rest of him.

"You're Nairna I suppose," he brought his hand out for me to shake.

"That's correct," I didn't hesitate to shake his hand.

"Im busy but I'm sure Minho knows the way around," he patted Minho on the shoulder before walking past us.

"He always makes me do this knowing I hate it," Minho sighed. I chuckled slightly to myself.

"As you can see they have the animals here, the boar you killed would be here," he nodded over to a pen full of pigs.


"They would have killed it anyway, you did the job for them," he tried his best to lighten the mood, I smile.

We kept walking down the hall as he showed me all the animals. Of course they weren't given horses, too much of an advantage in the maze I suppose.

Riders would be a lot better then runners, and It would be a lot more fun, though of course running for your life as a Griever attacks you is never fun, even if it is with a horse.

"So why being a slicer?" Minho grabbed my attention back.

"I guess I like animals," I shrug.

"There's got to be more behind it than that!" He jokes as we make our way out the barn.

"Well I'm  not entirely sure I guess. Some of it is because like animals but I don't know about the rest. I mean like I enjoy being able to provide for the greater group but killing animals isn't something I enjoy," I answered truthfully as I didn't know the answer interlay myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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