Night Two

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I awake to Newt sitting on the side of my bed with his left hand on my shoulder, gently shaking it to wake me up.

"I let you sleep more then I should've, dinners almost over," Newt leaned down and whispered to my barley conscious self.

I groaned taking my right hand to my four head to sweep away the hair that fell on my face.

"I'll get up, you can go," I waved him off.

Newt stood up letting my shoulder go. He truffes over to the door of the hut closing it behind him. I could hear him talk to someone outside. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I knew it wasn't a voice I had heard before.
I got myself to a sitting position as my bones ached and groaned. I could tell walking wasn't going to be much fun. I scooted over to the foot of my bed to get my crutches. My hands dragged along the ruff bark of the home made supports.

I brought them to my sides helping me prop myself up.  I let out an audible groan as I took a first step to the door. I was suddenly aware of the tearing pain in my leg. Though I was great full for the distraction in the moment of my actions I now deeply regretted cutting up my leg. It would've been a lot less painful to just die then ,than to live with the stitches rubbing against my pant leg.

I didn't temper getting changed at any point but I just assumed I did while still half conscious. I swung open the door with ease, seeing as I didn't have a handle, I could just push my weight up against it to get it to open.

"Look who's awake," I heard a deeper voice say. I didn't recognize the voice, it wasn't Newt, Tomas, or Minho.

"I'm Frypan," he reached out his large hand expecting me to shake it. I tried my best to hold onto my crutch with my armpit so I could reach out my hand to greet him.

"Oh sorry, my bad.." he took his hand back to his side before shoving it in the pocket of his apron.

"Has Newt already told you my name, I assume he has," I glanced over in Newts directions. I noticed that he was scanning my body, want sure what for but when he got to my eyes noticing I was looking at his, he immediately turned his head away. I started at him wide eyed, he had turned his head away so quickly I wanted to make sure he didn't have whiplash.

"He has, Nairna right?" Frypan graves my attention back onto the conversation.

"Uhm, yes," I said hesitantly glancing between him and newt. I could see Newt sweating just a bit.

"I asked Frypan to cook something for you specially, since you were supposed to be the guest of honor but since you fell asleep I had to just guess," Newt finally eased up, I could tell he was still having trouble looking me in the eye for whatever reason.

"Sorry about that," I replied honestly.

"Don't worry, no harm done, just maybe cold food," Frypan smiled.

I nodded in reply. Without saying another word Newt started to the fire where I assumed they all ate based on the various plates scattered around. I rolled my eyes at the mess.
Knowing I'd have to live with teenage boys who don't know how to pickup after them selves to save their lives is difficult.

"Didn't know what kind of stuff you ate so I just put all kinds of stuff on a plate," Frypan shuffled behind the make-shift cooking counter. He reached down to grab the plate before handing it to me.

The plate had a whole menagerie of all different types of food, on one side was a tomato salad, on the other was something that looked like it could be either ham or pork.
I picked up a wood fork that was laying on the counter and started to eat whatever I desired.

"God this is good, thanks!" I tried to communication through chewing. My words didn't sound exactly right but it was understandable.

Frypan smiled back at me before walking over to Newt. I looked around for some place to sit, since everyone else was already asleep I placed myself on the closest log in front of the bonfire.
The fire was small, seeing as it was the end of the night. But it was enough to keep me warm.

After a couple minutes of silence to myself I glanced around trying to see if they had just ditched me, leaving me to do all the clean up. I didn't expect to see Newt, Frypan and a taller boy I didn't know talking to each other, occasionally glancing in my direction. I knew they were talking about me, or about my presence in what they called the glade. I knew most of the boys didn't like me. I could tell from the tons of glares I received while I was getting the tour. I also knew that to the 'leaders' my safety was important. With so many boys all in one place with only one girl they knew something was bound to happen. I didn't know if they were trying to protect me from the gladers or if they were protecting the gladers from banishment.

I placed my plate down after I finished what I had eaten. Though I didn't memorize the way to my hut I knew it pretty well. Though I had slept for hours I was still somewhat tired. I stood up, gave a nod to the group of boys and made my way back to bed.

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