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After running around for what felt like days I finally came across a fallen over column I could squeeze myself under. I barely fit but I removed that I passed the corridor early in the night. Knowing it was near the exit was all I needed. Rocks were pressing on my back and arms in hard places. Some of them feeling like they were digging into my bones. I knew some of them would cause bruising while others would turn into large scars.

I held my left leg closer to my chest trying to ease the pain. I couldn't temper anything about pain except that a way to numb it was to do Ouse a different kind of pain else where. I could tell that for me that was hitting the side of my hand where my thumb lay, by looking at obvious scars built up over time. It helped a little but it was so hard not to focus on the gash. Because the only other thing to do Ouse on was the screeching and pleading from the monster I injured just hours before. I could hear it trying to search for me. Metal clanking repeated up and down balls next to the one I was in. I couple times it was even in the same corridor. Though I knew it would be able to find me since I could hear it bang into walls all around it. I'm guessing, by the shape of their odd heads they didn't have ears, marking their senses very dull.

After a while of listening to it pace through the maze I heard it let out a final screech before retreating back to wherever the hell it came from. Though to be sure I tried to stay awake for a while longer. After an hour of no noise I decided that sleep would be a good option.

• • •

Everything was quite, I couldn't see, I could hear, I could breath. I tried to scream for help bu no sound would come out. Bubbles escaped my throat reaching to what seamed to be an escape. I closed my eyes before screaming into the abyss. I was drowning. I tried to reach the surface but it seemed to never be in reach. As I kept trying to swim, I ran into exhaustion and the lack of air caught with to me. I felt myself slowly blacking out trying to reach for help feeling it was near but not in reach. As I closed my eyes my head faced the surface and a being appeared, I couldn't tell what it was, at moments it looked like a horse or a deer but once I felt an arm rap around my middle I could tell it was something human.

• • •

I gasped for air as I tried to prop myself up onto my elbows. I tried to cough up the water that had engulfed my lungs but nothing came up. Just dry hot air.
"Hey, you need to lay back down" I heard a voice say as I felt a cold hand come to my shoulder gently trying to push me back down without causing more pain.
I lifter my eyes to see where I lay. A small shack like structure with small rays of light coming through all the tinny separations of wood.
"Do you remember your name?" A softer more calm voice said in an accent that I knew I didn't have nor did the other person.
I tried to speak but it was difficult, after having a coughing fit and not speaking for what I assumed had been a few.

I tried to the best of my abilities to recall what name I had been bestowed. But only a craze came to mind.
'You don't have a name, telling some your name let's them have control over you' a older male voice range in my mind, causing a pinging head ache.
A memory.
"I don't have a name," I responded with slight uncertainty in my tone, still only starring at the ceiling of the hut.
"So you don't remember your name?" The first voice rung again.
I turned my head to the right to try and see the face of the speaker.
A teabags boy, as I had assumed, he had black hair and eyes it was hard to tell the color of as the colors changed with the light.
"No, I just don't have one," I replied firmly.
"Do you want one?" The second voice chimed in.
I looked to who was on my left. Another boy, about the same hight as the other but It was hard to tell when they were sitting. He had dirty blond hair and deep brown eyes. He gave a nervous smile when I turned to look at him. His eyes gleamed but with uncertainty lingering in them.
"I don't know," I answered honestly.
"What should I be named?" 

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